The Art Centre - Shade part two

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After our spectacular performance, Luna, Miles and myself all headed to our seperate murals. Because the art murals wasn't part of our actual assignments but the design part of the art products were; we decided to use our designs from the murals for the packaging. But minimise it down. We had told our professor. However we received an answer back stating:

- your designs must have a natural texture to it.
- added on design elements not including the texture.
- and is to be in CMYK, RGB, B&W.

If making it smaller wasn't hard enough already. We have to redraw it smaller than our rough drafts. It was also made clear in the written that it had to have a metallic outline. How are we going to add that to the black and white? I mean if we were allowed to all do silver, it would be so much easier. But no. We are not allowed to use the same metallic colours as each other. Luna was given silver. Meaning she'd have to make sure her designs were bold, intricate, complicated but simple. Miles got bronze. Which meant he would have to figure how to not lose the colour when it came to black and white but also have no colour what so ever. And of course I was given gold.

Gold? Can you believe it? All because my performance and timing wasn't all that good. I stuffed up by one second. So they expect that with this challenge I'll blow their socks off. So I've decided to go with my branding name as  'Gold Dragon' paint. I think I made it seem accordingly with my Southeast Asian culture. Each semester is cast with a different theme. This semester was culture. I'm Asian. Miles is Brazilian, and Luna is Australian. Although I may not look like your typical southeast Asian, I was born there.

My designs was inspired by the recently released movie 'Raya and the Last Dragon'. Inspiration of my design came from this piece of fan art by Rifqi Ramdhani from ARTSTATION.

Of course I changed the type of dragon to an earth dragon

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Of course I changed the type of dragon to an earth dragon. Finlay would say it should be a fire dragon but I feel fire dragons are over done. But don't tell her that. She'll get angry and then I'll be in the shits. I already have a bruise on my arm from her punching me. She attacked me because I said they are over rated.

Bad idea. Never say that to the fire spirit.

I feel like Eleena would be so happy with my choice of a dragon. They don't get drawn often enough. It's always fire dragon this, fire dragon that. All because they look cool. Cool as in dope not cool as in cold. I'd be set on fire for that.

"Someone's deep in thought." Luna joked and nudged me slightly. She had spray paint in her hair, up her arms and smeared on her face. Somehow it got on her legs. But we don't go there. "Yeah I just was thinking how unfair it was that the professor gave me gold all because my performance wasn't as good as it could be. All because I was off by a second. And also how Finlay would say how I should have chosen a fire dragon. But I think they're over rated. Earth dragons don't get enough attention. Don't tell Finlay I said that." I immediately add that little part to the end to avoid anymore bruises on my body.

"I don't think the professor gave it to you as a punishment. More of another opportunity to show your culture and ethnicity. Show it with boldness, capture the beauty and shine through the mistakes." Luna said wisely. She's full of wisdom. That's why Miles and I show her our last few stages of our designs. She helps us to see the mistakes, missed opportunities, and best way to get the best marks possible. Either we add or take away elements before coming up with our final design and moving onto the rough draft.

"Also I won't tell Finlay. But I may tell Maya. She will get a good laugh out of it." Luna giggled before moving onto Miles. I chuckle and shake my head. She's a weird one. Limited edition as I say.

Wilder than Love जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें