Rock on! - Luna and Shade

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• Shade •
As we got back to the zoo, we were greeted by so many people I lost sight of Luna and Miles. "Your performances were amazing!" Some random girl complimented me. "Thanks." I said and tried my hardest to get out of the large group of well groupies. "Where did you learn to do all those tricks?" Another one came directly into my personal bubble. "My family comes from a very famous circus. I grew up in a circus." I answered politely. "Would you go out with me?" I felt as if I was all alone with just girls caving me in a dark hole. "I'm gay." I answer and trying not to completely hurt her feelings. "Can you teach us to do those tricks?" More and more girls came rushing my way. "No those were very advanced. Miles and Luna have been training with me for a long time." I respond. "Where did you learn to dance like that?" A familiar voice asks. "Kianni?" I ask looking around. "It is I." She answers and bows before me. "Who is she?" A random girl asks sounding pissed off that she knew who I was. "I am his cousin." Kianni answers. "And I am looking for my friend." Kianni continues on and drags Jashlem into the middle of the groupies next to me. "Is he your boyfriend?" The same girl who tried to ask me out asks. "No he's my boyfriend." Kieo says and bursts through. He and Jashlem hug each other like he's been missing for ages. "Shouldn't you start to get going? Your next performance isn't that far away." Kieo mentions. "Yeah but I can't get anywhere without these girls following me." I plead. "Jashlem and I will escort you out." Kieo replies. "You mean Jashlem you and I will." Kianni pushes her way back into the middle. "All our practice better not have been for nothing." Kieo says struggling to get through the crowd. "Hold my hand." Jashlem tells him. "He's tiny compared to his boyfriend." A girl whispers. "I'm twenty-three and he's nineteen turning twenty soon. Don't talk bad about him or I'll crush you." Jashlem stops and warns the girl. "He's scary. What does he see in him?" Another girl whispers to her friend. "I love him. And he loves me for who I am." Kieo snaps. Thank god I'm not caught in the middle of all of this. As the groupies and my friends fight I manage to sneak away.

Kieo and Kianni manage to get out of the fight with the help of Jashlem. "Kieo you need to go and get ready." Kianni rushes kieo. "Wait Kieo." Jashlem grabs Kieo by the wrist. "Jashlem I'm going to be late." Kieo whines. Jashlem whips him around and kisses him passionately. Breaking the kiss with spit stringing between the two. "I love you." Jashlem winks and let's Kieo go. "Does he realise he's got a giant love bite on his neck?" Kianni asks Jashlem. "Nope." Jashlem smirks. "Oh man I bet Luna won't cover that up. Your gonna be in trouble." Kianni laughs. "Kieo finally. Your here, go change and we will get our make up on." Shade pushes Kieo into the change rooms. "Let's remove that makeup on your chest where your tattoo should be." Luna removes the make up from Kieo's chest. Kieo, Shade, Miles and Luna all walk out onto the stage behind a black curtin. "Ooo can't wait to hear this! I've heard it's going to be a rock song! It's Shade's performance." Kianni squeals.

• Luna •
As we get ourselves ready on the stage I notice that Kieo has a huge love bite on his neck. But there's no time to cover it up now. "Hey did Jashlem mention to you that you have a giant love bite on your neck?" I ask him. "What?!" Kieo yelled and genially looked shocked. "It's okay Kieo it adds to the rock aesthetic." Shade brushes it off. Miles starts off the song. 'I'm the one' by Casey Williams is the one we decided to cover. Kieo was on bass, Shade was on the main electronic guitar and I was on the second bass. While miles took the hard part; the drums. Shade, Kieo and myself were all on vocals.

"I had no idea Kieo could play the guitar so well." Leo rocks out. "I had no idea that Kieo had a tattoo." Jashlem looks at his chest rather than the giant love bite on his neck. Jashlem took a better look and realised it was his name with a dragon wrapped on the outside of the text. "Yeah didn't you know that Kieo and your are soulmates? Kieo is a special type of person, well one of us. If he finds his soulmate, their name will be tattooed on their body magically. On the left side near the heart." Leo answers. "I'm his soulmate?" Jashlem asks. "Yep and he is yours." Leo answers. Jashlem smiles and stares straight at Kieo. After the song finished and they got off of stage, Kieo was soaked in water and sweat. "Okay you have some explaining to do. When did you give me this giant love bite?!" Kieo yells at Jashlem as soon as he laid eyes on him. "I had no idea we were soulmates. Leo explained to me why my name was tattooed on your chest." Jashlem went in to give Kieo a passionate kiss. "Of course we are soulmates. But that doesn't explain this huge love bite!" Kieo calms down a little. "I guess you won't be wanting any love bites from me now that my name is tattooed on your body." Jashlem replies and walks away. "Wait that's not what I meant!" Kieo jumps up onto Jashlem and wraps his legs around Jashlem's waist. "Well how can I say no to my sexy little rock guitarist boyfriend?" Jashlem rhetorically asks. "You can't." Kieo replies and smashes his lips against Jashlem's.

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