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Yoongi's POV

Yoongi sat at his desk with a pen between his lips while examining his lesson for today. He looked up and saw a student sitting in the front row who was innocently watching him. He sends a small smile over to the man, shocked at the fact that he didn't hear the younger man come in.

He's early .

The last student settles in, signaling him to walk towards the middle of the lecture hall. He takes a quick look at his papers, resting on the podium in front of him before starting.

"I'm Min Yoongi, your psychology professor. Let's cut the shit cause I don't really care for being formal. I hope no one bought the book because it's a bunch of boring crap that none of you are gonna use anyways." He takes a pause to look around the room and see all his students staring at him wide-eyed.

"We don't have all day, so let's begin. Do any of you blockheads even know what psychology is?" He's a little disappointed that only one student has their hand up, but honestly, he isn't really surprised. Of course, it would be the kid who came in early. Unsurprisingly, this kid Jimin knew the answer to every one of Yoongi's questions.


"Think of the limbic system as the first floor of a house, it controls your emotions and memory. Then the cerebral cortex would be the second floor that contains higher-level thinking. For homework, write a paragraph on whether you think sexual orientation is nature or nurture. I want that done by the next class so we can have a discussion. You guys are free to go." He watches them walk out, noticing a few of them comment on how interesting class was. His heart swells with pride from a great first lecture, going back to his desk to prepare for his next class. He saw Jimin gathering his things, sending a shy smile over to him before leaving.


Yoongi was supposed to hang out with Namjoon and Taehyung in the teacher's lounge, but he really didn't feel like going. His throat was a little sore from all the talking he did today, so he decided to go home instead. The sun started to set, making it the perfect time to walk home.

He half expected to see huge crowds of rowdy students hanging outside, but the campus was emptier than usual. He paid no mind to it as he enjoyed his peaceful walk home.


He heated up a bowl of kimchi fried rice from the convenience store and took a seat on the couch. Giggling softly, as he puts on Sailor Moon and eats his dinner in peace.

It was exhausting trying to pretend to hate anime whenever Taehyung or Namjoon were around. He'd been lying to them for years about his secret love for anime, and it was starting to make him feel a little guilty. That's what his second bedroom was for, after all.

He collapsed onto his bed and finally decided to check his phone after ignoring it all day.

4 text messages from Taehyung

7 text messages from Namjoon

He opened Taehyungs messages first because he was expecting Namjoon to ask him another one of those weird questions.

Taehyung :

Are we still on for lunch?

Taehyung :


Taehyung :

Did you die?

Taehyung :

At least let me know if you're okay.

Yoongi Hyung :

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