Chapter Twenty Two

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Selena March

To say I was basically walking aimlessly would be an understatement of just how lost I was in the mansion. I was glad when I bumped into the maid from earlier.

"The gala is that way ma'am. Turn right after the third door, the music will guide you." She said. I muttered a thanks and followed her instructions. It didn't take me long to find the ball room.

I stood outside, just staring blankly at the door. I definitely didn't want to enter. Judging by the classy music playing, I could tell that I was definitely not going to fit in.

And where was Asriel anyway? How dare he kiss me and disappear with his friend afterwards. He had some serious explaining to do. Explaining that I did not want to listen to. There was no way I was going to let him lure me into admitting that I kinda liked him.

Okay, maybe I really like him but I'm not going to tell him or anyone else that.

I looked at the other doors, deciding against going in and walked towards one down the hall that I randomly chose. I knocked on the door loudly, in case there was someone inside. When there was no reply, I tried the handle and the door opened. I quickly got in and closed the door while peeking in the hallway to make sure that no one saw me.

I wonder why the lights are on. I thought to myself as I turned around. I literally froze when I realised why. In the room were some fancily dressed men, three of which I recognised. They were all sitting around an oval shaped table, obviously in the middle of a meeting.

Asaiah was doing his best to hold in a laugh but failing miserably. Ricardo had on an amused facial expression and Asriel sighed, his look asking what I was doing in their meeting room. Everyone else's eyes were of curiosity, except one man.

He looked like he was in his fifties and he had a scary piercing look on his face. He seemed annoyed by my unexpected presence.

I panicked and said the first thing that came to mind. "Uhm, anyone hungry?"
Asaiah burst out laughing almost immediately but stopped when he received an annoyed look from that man.

"Sorry Mariano. " He said looking away. My gears in my mind started turning.

Damn, it was Mariano Ponce. If the rumours were true, then he probably recognises me. I have to get out of here.

"Uhm, I'll be leaving now." I said and quickly walked out. I stood by the door and took a deep breath. If that really was Mariano Ponce, then my whole undercover thing was jeopardized.
Mariano Ponce had a way of knowing every bit of information about the police, Interpol or whatever. Heaven knows how he gets information about a cop but he does and rumours that go around say that he had never forgotten a face. The chances were that he probably knew me.

I started walking down the hallway, hoping that he wasn't the Mariano Ponce. The fact that I couldn't turn him in was annoying. Well, I could but he would obviously escape as always and then hunt me down because I was the only one here who would snitch, and I would have to drop the case I'm on because my cover would be blown.

And is that room sound proof or were they just whispering?

I almost jumped out of my skin when someone touched my shoulder. I was relieved when I saw Ataliah giving me a confused look. She had on a grey flared dress that gave her a simple look that she was rocking.

"Are you okay Selena?" She asked me. I nodded as I took in her appearance. Her eyes were red and swollen like she had been crying.

"Why were you crying?" I asked her. She gave me a small sad smile.

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