Chapter Twenty-one

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The picture above is Asriel Parker 😁

Asriel Parker

I literally felt a wave of emotions flood over me when she kissed me back. I hoped for my own conscience's  sake that she would not.

The fact that I was enjoying the kiss was not helping the situation in any way. Her hands hesitantly moved up my chest and I involuntarily pulled her closer to me, deepening the kiss.

I did not expect myself to want this, I did not expect to want her. It was all wrong. This was wrong but it felt so right.

Just as her right hand reached my hair, there was a knock on the door making us pull apart abruptly. We were both out of breath and my stupid heart rate had increased, I swear my senses were temporally disabled. Selena was doing this to me.

I had not let go of her and her hands were still on my chest. Her eyes were clearly questioning what just happened and I hoped that my eyes were not portraying the same.

"That did not clarify anything." She said quietly. I found myself staring at her lips. I wanted to kiss her again but I knew better at that point.

I was formulating a proper sentence in my mind when the knock came again and it was accompanied by my brother's voice.

"Are you constipated or something? This is currently a public bathroom." I rolled my eyes just as Selena laughed lightly  and dropped her hands. I took it as my que to move back but I had other plans in mind. Plans I wished I had nothing to do with.

I took a deep breath before opening my mouth to speak but my stupid brother beat me to it.
"Asriel, are you with someone in there? " There was a short pause and Selena stopped laughing.

"Oh, I am so sorry brother. You and your lady friend pretend I was never here." He added and I heard his footsteps fade. It was my turn to smile when I noticed that Selena was blushing.

"You look pretty when you blush." I said before I could stop myself. Her blush deepened but she sent a glare in my direction. It made me realize what I indirectly implied.

"I am not saying that you are not pretty, I am..." She raised her right hand and stopped me from blabbing anything more.

"Can we talk outside the bathroom please?" She answered. I nodded as I ran my hands through my hair.

It was time for the part I was dreading. Honestly, a small part of me felt relieved when she evaded my questions earlier but a stupid larger part felt rejected and that drove my stupid ego to make me end up in this messed up situation.

She walked past me and opened the door, walking out without looking back to see if I was following her. Perhaps she was thinking of a way to get away from me again.

The thought alone drove my hesitant body to follow her anyway. To both my relief and dismay, she had not run off. She was standing a foot away, adjacent to the door and she looked like she was in thought.

I walked closer to her and she glared up at me in anger but her green eyes were betraying her real emotions. She wanted answers to questions she seemed afraid to ask, questions I probably would not have been able to answer.

"Asriel, care to explain yourself?" She spat. I involuntarily smirked; who knew she was going to use that route.
I fully expected her to tell me to keep things professional, which was what I wanted to do.

"I did want to start by talking. You are the one who ran away." I answered. She gave me a weird look, as if trying to piece a very complicated jigsaw puzzle together.

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