Chapter five

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I went home - Asriel's house, after interviewing Emmanuel. Stupid man believed Asriel was innocent but I knew better. I had even seen his and Asaiah's cold sides - so thoughtless.

In the house, I found Asaiah watching television in his pajamas. I had only made out his figure on the couch when he turned to look at me and smiled.

"Where have you been love?" He asked curiously. I was about to answer but another male voice spoke up.

"Who are you calling 'love'?". The owner of the voice appeared from the floor beside Asaiah. He stood up to get a better look at me and I found myself scanning him. He looked very familiar.

He had blond hair, his eyes were a pale blue that almost looked grey and pink lips. He was wearing a buggy white T-shirt with the words 'hell yes!' Printed in black and black shorts. I could see he was a regular gym visitor. Not to say good looking.

"Who are you?" I asked. He gave me strange smile - like he knew something I didn't.

"This is Ricardo, a good friend of ours." Asaiah said.
Ricardo sat down again and turned his attention back to the television.

"Nice to meet you too Ricardo." I said sarcastically.
"Nice to meet you too Selena." He said over his shoulder. He had a Mexican accent. I didn't pay much attention to the fact that he knew my name - Asaiah probably told him.

I started walking past the two men when Asaiah called me back. I turned to look at a curious Asaiah.

"You didn't answer my question, love. Where have you been today?" He asked with his arms crossed. I couldn't tell him I was with Emmanuel the whole day. He might get suspicious. I was about to give him some random lie even though I was a terrible liar when Asriel walked into the house.

He looked tired and His hair looked like he had ran his hands through it numerous times. Asaiah, Ricardo and my attention turned to him.

As usual, I made sure to look at his eyes that were a pale grey shade. Then, right then I watched as a brown color slowly started to take the place of the grey color until his irises were hazel brown - a color I learnt only appears when he was angry. His blank expression turned cold and his eyes were fixed on Ricardo.

Ricardo slowly stood up from his comfortable position, his gaze solely on Asriel who was angrily approaching him.

"Asriel do not do..." Asaiah's words were cut short by the startling sound of Ricardo's back hitting the wall. I gasped and Asaiah cursed under his breath. Ricardo only blinked but stayed silent.

"Give me one fucking good reason I should not kill you this instant." Asriel growled. His tone scared me senseless, coming from a cop - that says something. Never had I ever heard Asriel curse, well at least not a single memory of him cursing came to mind.

Asaiah was next to Asriel in an instant.
"Brother." Asaiah said quietly. Asriel gave his brother a look that made him step back.

Asriel tightened his hold on Ricardo.
"Answer me damn it." He shouted angrily.
"Let me go Asriel." Ricardo said lowly as he took calming breaths.

"Asriel, please hear him out." Asaiah said.
"Shut the hell up. You are the one that let him in my house." Asriel barked - he didn't even look away from Ricardo. All I knew at that moment was that I wanted Asriel calm again, not showing just how strong he was.

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