Chapter nine

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Dedicated to kalongu

Selena March

I was about to reach Ataliah's office when I remembered that Asriel had a mandatory meeting with Emmanuel Scofield in twelve minutes. I had to remind him.

I turned to walk back to the board room while sighing deeply. I hoped that Emmanuel would keep his word and not tell Asriel about our conversation.

I was about to open the door to the meeting room when I heard Asriel's tense voice speak to Ricardo.

"What are you talking about Ricardo?" He put emphasis on each word.

Ricardo was silent before answering.

"Asriel Parker, what if I told you that I knew the identity of the killer?" Ricardo said.

I froze on the spot.
No way.
No way.

"You are joking right?" Asriel asked.

"It was one of the reasons I came back." Ricardo said. The room was silent.

"So it was not for Ataliah?" Asriel asked him. I heard Ricardo sigh heavily.

"Ataliah was the reason I didn't come back earlier." He said sadly. After a short silence, he spoke again.

"I was afraid to face her after all I had put her through. I didn't want to bear the pain of her rejecting me so I rejected myself on her behalf. She was just trying to be there for me but I just hurt her more. I went crazy. I was insane. I didn't want to come back because I was afraid that I would hurt her even more." Ricardo explained.

He was in love with Ataliah. Madly. I had to find out about their relationship.

"Sounds to me like you're making an excuse. I think you came back for Ataliah with the killer story as an excuse to be around." Asriel stated.

"Well, who is it?" Asriel asked after some time.

"I can't tell you that." Ricardo said. "Not yet, trust me."

The room went quiet for almost a full minute. Maybe they were whispering. I pressed my ear to the door but still didn't hear a thing.

"You can come in Selena." Asriel called from inside.

I froze.
How did he know?
I looked up to the ceiling in utter embarrassment.

I answered my own question when I spotted the surveillance camera right above my head.

Oh, I am so stupid.

I slowly opened the door and walked in slowly, my cheeks were hot with embarrassment.

Ricardo had a big smile on his face and Asriel had one angry facial, at least his eyes weren't brown and thank goodness they weren't on me.

His eyes were on something behind and above me. I followed his angry eyes only to spot the TV above the door.

It was always off and since projectors were used during meetings, I always wondered what it was for.
Now I know.

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