Chapter Three

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   Darral looked at me as though I was supposed to tell him something exciting but just got disappointed with what he received; a scolding from an angry 25 year old woman.

"Couldn't you have told me I was going to start living with that creepy psycho? What if he kills me?" I shouted angrily at him.

Darral kept his gaze low.
"Selena, I knew that if I told you that you would have refused." He defended himself.

"So you decided to lie to me, you couldn't even asked for my permission or opinion." I said angrily.

Darral glanced at the digital wall clock behind him and I followed His gaze.
09:58 PM
"Its late Selena, we'll discuss this later." He said standing up. I glared at him angrily for a few seconds before he sighed and sat down again - this time making eye contact with me.

"Let's be realistic Selena, which one of our cops would want to take themselves to a man who mercilessly killed eight women, a man who even shaves off all their hair and is dangerously seductive?"

I rolled my eyes at him before staring at him like he was a frog. A dumb one at that.

"Gee I don't know Darral," I started sarcastically. "Maybe a man. You know  - the sex group he clearly is not targeting!" I screamed the last part at him making him flinch.

"I'm sorry Selena, we needed the best on the job and we didn't want it to be that obvious." He said as he stood up and started walking towards me and stopped right in front of me, placing his hands on my shoulders

I folded my arms across my chest defiantly. Man I was not liking him at that moment.
"Selena, you know how I-"

"Not now Darral" I said cutting him off. I knew exactly what he was about to say to me. He was going to say:
' you know how I feel about you Selena' ,
'I really love you Selena.' ,
'Selena, I have been in love with you for a long time now'
Blah bleh blih.

Darral sighed while nodding his head in understanding and dropped his hands slowly. When he wasn't an ass who practically put my life in danger, he was a nice guy and a good friend : who was in love with me

"You can do it detective March." He said with a small smile. I smiled back at him.

"So did you already move your things?"he asked. I nodded.
"All settled in I am." I answered.

"Did you notice any behavior patterns worthy to be deemed as strange?".

I shook my head.
"What I did get was that he was a jolly person before he and Stella broke up.
And his father's mental breakdown was because of their mom leaving out of nowhere."

Darral nodded thoughtfully.
   "Oh and the Parker siblings don't cut their words short." I added.

He raised a brow questioningly.
"As in don't as do not, can't as cannot and won't as will not." I explained. He nodded in understanding while looking at me in an amused way.

"What?" I asked nervously after noticing he was still very close to me and staring at my lips. He smiled when he noticed my discomfort and moved back three steps. Totally not an ass.

My phone rang, breaking the stretch of awkward silence between us.
Thank you phone. I thought as I answered it.

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