Chapter nineteen

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Selena March

"I am Diana Ryan Parker. Asaiah, Asriel and Ataliah are my children." The fancy looking woman declared proudly. It was only after she had said that that I saw how much she resembled Ataliah.

I couldn't find the right words to say to her so I just ended up staring at her like an idiot. She must have seen my confused face because I swear her prideful look just got more annoying.

She looked like she owned the place. Oh wait she probably did.

"So, where are my children?" She said walking to the living room while looking around. I still couldn't get myself to say anything to her. I guess she was too i don't know.

"I like what they have done to the place. It is nothing like it was last time I was here but it is nice." She said as she sat down. Didn't she leave her family nineteen years ago? The nerve of this woman.

"Who are you anyway?" She asked me.

"I am one of Asriel's workers, his P.A at the office." I answered. The look she was giving me was making me feel awkward do I excused myself quickly. Besides, I had a missing Asriel to find and an annoying Darral to contact.

I walked to my room and shut the door. I took out my phone and dialled Darral's number. He was not picking up. Just great, the one time I need to talk to him. Well that's not important.

As much as I was starting to think that Asriel was not guilty of any of the murders, he had another case starting to tail on him. He just had to be involved with Mariano Ponce.

And where was he anyway? It's not that I really cared... Okay I really care but curiosity has its effects. Why was he mad, who was the man who visited him this morning?

I decided to go through the little intel I had gathered during my stay in with the Parkers. I dug up my little book where I scribbled down short notes for every case I was on and I always carried it with me.

1, Asriel had some form of relationship with all the women who were murdered, be it professional or whatever.

2, The do called Parker girl killer feels something for Asriel. He kept saying 'i love you' and writing it with the victim's blood at the crime scene.

3, Asriel has been seeing a psychiatrist, meaning he has some issues.

4, Asriel was found in possession of drugs that only Mariano Ponce delivers. It means that he may be involved with him.

5, I still have no clue as to why Darral is so hell bent on proving Asriel's guilt.

6, Who was that man in his living room today. It could be the killer.

Well, now that I think about it, I haven't gathered much. I had been in my room for one hour but no new thoughts or ideas were buzzing in.

I was tapping my phone lightly on my bed when it rang. In excitement I dropped it. I was hoping Asriel has called me.

Wait, why would he call me on my personal cell?

I looked at the caller ID and felt disappointed. It was not Asriel, it was Owen. I didn't really want to speak with him but I answered anyway.

"Yes?" I said. I could here the sounds of sirens in the background. I was suddenly sitting upright and was feeling alert.

"March, we just apprehended Mr Parker for assaulting three police officers, one of them being Darral. Get to the station at once, he demands to see you." He said in one breath.

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