Her Awful Night

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"You don't believe me now but one day you will learn the truth by yourself, Princess. Until that, stay away from your best friend Lila" I said. Avni walked away without giving me a glance.

Why didn't you tell Avni the best part of the story? I heard a voice behind me. I turned around to see Lila standing there.

So, you remembered? I asked her. At first I had a doubt that she remembers now that is confirmed.

"Of course, I remembered everything that happened in the past on the day when I first saw Arjun" Lila muttered walking near me.

So why were you acting like an innocent best friend?

"I was just going with the flow but the funny part is even you believed me" she chuckled rolling her hair with her finger. "But the funniest part is you acting like a heartbroken one. Even I believed you before I saw the past" Lila muttered. 

"Not only you believed me, You had a crush on me" I chuckled

"Shut up, that's before I learned the truth. Right now I completely regret it" she said

"Oh baby, you are hurting me" I said clutching my heart.

"Stop acting, Amaar.  What are you up too? She asked. Hearing my real name after so long felt good.

"What are you and that witch of yours up too? I asked and anger was evident in my tone.

"Avni is going to die and I am going have my happily ever after with Arjun. Do you know why because my love is true love," she said and giggled.

I instantly grabbed Lila's neck and choked her. She talking about Avni dying made me angry. I want to rip her throat away.

I can kill her here at this moment but I have promised myself that I won't kill anyone. "In your dreams, Hasina" I muttered. Her face held a sacred expression. Of course she is scared of me.

"You can't stop us, Amaar. Maybe you can join us" she said with her eyes flickering.

"Not Again, Sweetheart. This time you can't fool me"  I said and tightened my grip on her neck.

"Oh then wait and watch Avni dying," she said struggling from my grip.  Never argue with an idiot that verse ran inside my mind.

"Let's see" I mumbled and removed my hands. She felt down on the ground and gasped.

"Don't you feel bad for betraying your best friend? I asked. She laughed that dramatic idiot laughed.

"Why are you acting like a good person? You think roaming behind Avni and saving her will make you a good person? No, nothing will change what you did to her in the past" she yelled and her words felt like a knife stabbing at me.

"And for answering your question, yes I felt bad at first that I am betraying my own best friend but after analyzing my past life" she gestured as if thinking something." I figured out that she is not really my best friend. Actually we are enemies that poor girl doesn't even realize it" she chuckled.

"She'll realize it when she sees the past," I said walking near to her.

"It's not going to happen, Amaar. She is not going to see the past because I won't let her too" she said and laughed dramatically seeing the sky. This drama queen is not changed a bit in this 700 years. Now I am getting tired of her.

"Really? All the best for that" I said smirking at her. I walked past her and turned around to see her sitting in the same place and glaring.

"And you better tell that little witch of yours to stay away from Avni or else I think you remember what I am capable of" I muttered and walked towards my car. I heard that drama queen laugh behind.

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