Her Suspect

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She was poisoned and it was mixed in the mocktail. I still remember how she grabbed my wrist and asked me to help her. I was the one who ordered the mocktail. Wendy was the one who brought it for me but I didn't drink it, I gave it to Nia. Everything was my mistake. This was supposed to happen to me but I gave it to her. Someone mixed poison in my drink. Who is trying to kill me? I never did anything wrong to anyone. Yesterday someone attacked me now someone tried to poison me. When did my life changed into boring to mystery-thriller?

"They asked us to leave" My mom said tiredly. Nia's parents reported this to the police and police called us to station for investigation. When the police asked did I suspect anyone I had no answer. I have never imagined something like this to happen in my life.

I stood up from the chair and started to walk but I was stopped by my mom.

"Do you know how I felt when I heard what happened? Someone tried to kill you, someone tried to kill my baby. I know I am being selfish but I am glad it wasn't you. I wouldn't survive without you, Avni" Mom spoke with teary eyes. This is why I don't want my mom to know about anything. I don't want her to worry about me. Already she had so much to worry about I don't want to be an extra load to her.

"Mom sees I am fine, your baby is fine so stop crying. Come let's move from here" I tried to console her. She nodded and we both walked out of the police station.

"Oh and Avni, Mrs. Haynes called me a while back. She said Nia is fine now, you can visit her tomorrow morning" My mom said and I nodded my head in agreement.

We both were walking towards the bus stand. Throughout the journey back to my house. My mom was lecturing me about my safety that how I have be careful hereafter but the only thought I had in my mind is that who is trying to kill me and what is there reason?

The room was very much dark. The only source of light was given by the small light bulb in the corner. I was standing in the center of the room fidgeting my fingers nervously the only thought I had was to see him. I want to wrap my arms around him and hide my face in his chest. I want nothing more. Just him...

I heard the footsteps,  his footsteps. I saw a figure entering the room. I can't see it's face. A sudden fear raised in my mind.

That figure walked further inside and I was relieved by seeing his face. I can't stop myself anymore. I ran towards him and threw my arms around his neck and hugged him. I pulled him closer into me but I realized he wasn't hugging me back. I pulled away from him. His face looked like a stone not giving away any expression.

What's wrong? I asked him but he didn't reply. He just stared at me. I want to tell him everything.

Arjun, you and me... I felt a sudden terrible pain in my lower abdomen. I bowed my head to look at that place and saw red thick liquid pouring down from abdomen, Its blood. I gaze adverted towards the blood-covered knife in his hands.

I raised my head and met Arjun's face. He smirked at me like a devil himself. He had stabbed me with a knife. I can't even believe my own eyes, My whole world was spinning.

Even before I can process what just happened, he stabbed me again in the same place but this time my heart ached more than my abdomen.

My whole body jolted awake and I opened my eyes and saw my bedroom. I switched on the bedside light looked around the bedroom. The memory of the dream sent shivers through my body.

Dreaming wasn't new to me but this type of dream is very new. Why him? Till yesterday I had romantic dreams about him and suddenly now he is trying to kill me. Is he capable of stabbing me? I thought for a minute and I remembered how concerned he looked last night in my backyard, how he hugged me tightly as if someone is going to snatch me from him. He can't do this to me. Arjun will never stab me. It was just a nightmare     


Even though I convinced myself that it was just a nightmare but I can't take my mind away from the dream but I don't have time to make myself bothered for lame dream.

I had a lot on my plate now because my life had turned into a mystery-thriller book.

I spent the whole morning with Nia at the hospital. That girl is fine but she wasn't shutting her mouth about who did it and why they did it. I asked her to take rest and left the hospital.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I saw my mom's text. She had asked what I am doing. This is her way of checking on me. She asked me to text her every hour to make sure I am not in trouble. She worries too much. I quickly texted her back and pushed opened the glass doors of Aunty wendy's cafe. The cafe was quite empty.

I walked straight towards the cash counter. I saw a half balding man in the counter.

Hey, where is wendy? I asked him. Today morning when I went to the hospital Mrs. Haynes said that Wendy lied to the police that she didn't serve me. I want to know why she did this to me, I have always been nice to her.

That half-bald man gestured me towards a room behind the counter.

I walked inside the room and spotted Wendy near the window.

Why did you do this to me? I asked with anger evident in my tone. More than anger I was hurt, I liked this lady but she tried to kill me.

"I was expecting you, Avni" she said with a smile.

She has the nerve to smile at me innocently

Why did you do this? I asked her again. I don't want to lose my temper.

"Let me explain, Sweetie. I swear I didn't serve you yesterday. I don't even remember you coming here" she said holding my hands. I pulled myself away from her clasp. 

"You are lying, I clearly remember you were the one served me yesterday" I half yelled at her. She can act like an innocent in front of the police but not to me.

"I don't know what's going inside your mind but I can swear on my kids that I didn't serve you yesterday" she yelled at me.


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