Her forever

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I can't believe that my first ever book reached 2k reads.  Thank you so much, guys😍. I hope you are enjoying my story😄 if you are reading this story please don't be a silent reader please share your thoughts with me and don't forget to vote❤❤


"Arjun" I patted his shoulders.

"So you saw me in your dreams even before you met me in person," he asked for the fourth time.

"Yes, don't you believe me," I asked him. When he told me about his dream about me. I can't help but reveal mine also to him.

"Of course, Minnie," he said cupping my face.

"I don't know why is this happening us" I mumbled

"Listen I feel a strange connection with you that I never felt with anyone else" he whispered locking his eyes with mine. I had no doubt in his words because I feel the same with him.

"Maybe we are soulmates," he said smirking at me. He ran his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"No, you are not my soulmate. You are my best friend's fiance" I said pulling myself away from him.

"Avni, I already told you that I am not interested in that marriage," he asserted, irritation was evident in his tone.

"Come on, you say you are not interested but you attend her birthday party, you will feed her cake and dance with her" I mumbled

Don't behave like a jealous girlfriend, Avni.

"Avni, I attended the birthday party for you. At that time it was the only option I had to see you and Mr. Richmond forced me to dance with her and lastly I didn't feed her cake" he said

"Oh so you are not interested in this marriage," I asked him

"Yes, I am not interested in this marriage as well as Lila," he said moving closer.

"The only girl I am interested in is you" he whispered his dark eyes gazing at me.

"But you.........shhh he whispered and kept his index finger on my lips.

"Listen to me, Avni. I don't have any interest on your best friend she was the one who offered me a deal and the deal is that we both have to pretend like a couple in front of her family and she said she will convince her father once he is in stable condition but I don't know why she still didn't do anything" he said

"You both were pretending as a couple," I asked him.

"Exactly," he asserted

But why didn't you tell me? I asked.

"Lila asked me not to tell you. Anyways I was planning to tell you but I didn't get the right opportunity" he shrugged

My best friend doesn't want to tell me. Lila was lying all this time but she said she likes Arjun. Was that true or she was just lying?

"Avni, my dad is a broken man and he has temper issues too. He won't accept my decision about this marriage but I promise I'll make him accept my decision and call off this marriage"

Call off, Are you going to cancel this marriage? I asked dumbfoundedly

"Yes" he stated

Why? I asked even more dumbfoundedly

"You know why," he said holding my hand and rubbing circles with his thumb finger on the back of my palm.

"Because you don't want any commitment and you want to concentrate more on your future," I said

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