Her dance with her dreamboy

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I dragged Arhaan to dance floor and he followed me quietly. The dance floor was filled with couples and the whole scene looked so romantic. I spotted Arjun and Lila dancing in a corner. I stopped myself from staring at them but I can feel Arjun's eyes on me. Why is he doing this?

I saw Arhaan standing in front of me with no clue. He seemed so sad.

"Come let's dance," I said and extended my hand. He gave me a bored look. I believe this dance will light his mood up and distract me from Arjun.

"I am not dancing type, Avni and I know you are a great dancer so please go and find someone who is good in this" Arhaan said with a silly smile moving away from me.

"No, I am not letting you go"

But Avni...

"No, I don't like to hear BUT. You are going to dance and I am going to teach you" I said with a proud smile.

Are you serious? He asked

Of course, so come closer and give me your hand. Now put your another hand in my waist"
I said and he hesitantly kept his one arm around my waist.

"Avni.... listen"

"You listen to me first. Now close your eyes and breath in" I said he gave me a questioning look but did as I said

"And now breathe out. Clear all thoughts in your head and concentrate only on the music" I said and he obeyed me.

"Now move your body for the music. Just copy my moves and dance along" he did as I said and we continued to dance

How am I dancing? He asked with a shy smile. This is the first time I am seeing him like this.

"Great, you are a fast learner child," I said and gave him an appreciating tap on his shoulders. He smiled triumphantly

"You are not bad yourself," he said

"Oh really someone said I am great dancer a few minutes back"

"But now you have a competition," he said turning me around. I laughed at him and said "Confident much"

All my laughter drained when I saw Arjun staring at me and Arhaan from the corner. He was still dancing with Lila. Why God why should I see him?

Hey, are you okay? Arhaan asked noticing my sudden change of expression.

"Nothing" I smiled at him. I can feel Arjun's burning stares behind my head. We continued to dance when Nia came to the center with a mike her hands

"Sorry for interrupting lovelies but I decided to have a small change in this dance floor to make this party more interesting. And the change is changing the partner" Nia said and giggled in excitement. Everyone in the dance seems to accept her point and started to move away from their partner.

"I think I am going to steal Avni from you.... for a dance" Arjun spoke behind me. I turned around and faced him. He looked so perfect.

Arhaan raised his eyebrow at me as if asking my opinion on dancing with Arjun. I nodded at him. Arjun absorbed us then Arhaan left us alone. Arjun came closer to me.

Will you dance with me Avni?
He asked

I wanted to say no because if now I danced with him I know I can never forget it I can never forget his touch, I can never forget him but I can't make myself to say no to him.

"Sure" I nervously smiled at him. He nodded and stretched his hands for me to take. I hesitantly kept my hands on his. He closed his hands on mine. His touch sent shivers through my body. I stopped myself from staring at our entwined hands. He rested his other hand on waist and pulled me closer to him. My cheeks started burning I can't control myself from blushing Avni control yourself

Christina Perri's A thousand years started playing. Right song at the wrong timing. Arjun pulled me closer and we moved our body for the song

Heartbeats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer

No, I don't want to see him or his perfect eyes so I stared the wall behind his head. I can feel my legs struggling to dance. Suddenly all my dancing skills went vein.

"Avni" he called me

"Mhmm.... yes," I asked

"Look at me," he said and it more seemed like a command and I obeyed him. I turned to look at him. His dark intense eyes were the first thing I noticed. It's looked so familiar and he pulled me even closer. Even his touch seemed familiar for me

And all along I believed, I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more
One step closer
One step closer

I have died every day, waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

He pushed me away and held my left hand with his right catching me as our arms pulled taut and spinning me out again and he pulled me back. I felt into his strong arms and he wrapped his arms around me and made me stand. I stared at him. I stared at someone who I can never have.

Do you like him? He asked

What? His words made me come out some trance

Who? I asked

That boy who you were dancing with before, do you like him? He asked

I like you... I wanted to say but I didn't

No, actually he is my friend and why are you asking me that? I asked him out of curiosity

"Simply...you seemed more free and happy with him but now you are uncomfortable," he said

"No, I am not uncomfortable. It's just you make me nervous" I said regretting what I said the next minute.

"Do I make you nervous? he asked smiling broadly showing his white teeth.

"No, strangers make me nervous," I said As soon as the words came out of my mouth. I saw the color on his face drain. I wanted to say him I didn't mean that he is not just a stranger. Everything about him seems familiar to me but I want to avoid him.


Sorry for the late update:D

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Note: Guys Hereafter there will a compulsory update every Monday...:D

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