Her night out

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"My mom used to bring me here," he said more to himself

"Oh that's really sweet, you two both still come here," I asked him. I have not seen his mother but I have heard Mr.Richmond talking about his parents.

"No, my mom used to bring me here when I was 10. We both used to have lots of fun here but after her.." He stopped

What happened after? I asked

"She met with an accident," he said looking away from me

Accident, I thought his mother was alive. Mr.Richmond was talking about his parent's rights.

"Vina is not my mom. She is my stepmom but she is not bad. She was there for us in our difficult situation" he said and smiled to himself.

"I am sorry about your mom" those are the only words that left my mouth. What else I can say.

"No need to be sorry, Avni. That accident took my mom away from me. More than me my dad was the one who suffered a lot in that time. My grandmother forced my dad to marry Vina. Vina was the one who brought him out of darkness. She even tried to be my mom but I can't accept her as one" he spoke absentmindedly. I can't help but notice how his face lights up whenever he is talking about his dad.

"You love your dad so much, right," I asked him. He didn't answer but smiled to himself. I guess that's the answer.

So, when is the last time you came here? I asked once again looking around the wonderland.

"When I was in school, I guess" he said and took a sip from his now cold hot chocolate. In school that's a long time back then why did he come here today and why bring me along.

I went back to my cupcake and started eating it. Oh god this cupcake tastes like heaven. A soft moan left my mouth and I covered my mouth in embarrassment.

"You sure love it" he said laughing at me and I giggled shoving another spoonful of cake inside my mouth.

"Tell me something about you, Avni" Arjun asked

Me I thought to myself.

"My father was an army man. He died in a war when I was 3year old. After that my mom brought me here. She works so hard to give me a good life. That's it nothing much" I said to him. I can see Arjun miss his mom so much but I never missed my dad that much because I don't remember much about him.

A man dressed like a jokester came again and asked us we need anything else. Arjun raised his eyebrow as if asking I want anything. I shook my head saying no. Then the man gave us the bill. That's when I noticed I didn't bring any money with me. So Arjun paid for us but I had a feeling even if I had money he wouldn't have let me pay. We both stood up from the chairs and walked through the glass doors.

"Next time, I am the one who is going to pay"

"If there is a next time then I am waiting for it" he said with a glint in his dark eyes. Suddenly he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back in front of him. Just now I realized how short I am comparing to him.

He tilted his head down and his eyes staring at my lips. Did I get an ability to dream with my eyes wide open or is this is happening for real? He brought his hands up and wiped something away from my lips with his thumb finger.

"Cream" he said showing his thumb finger to me. I saw a little red velvet cake's cream in his thumb finger then he sucked his thumb finger and his eyes locked with mine. I felt my cheeks burn.

"Come let's go" he said with a smirk. I followed him to his car like a lost puppy.

When we reached his car he opened the door for me. I sat and made myself comfortable in his beast. He didn't say anything after that so to stop my boredom. I tried to switch on the radio but the beast had so many buttons so I failed. Noticing my failure he switched on the radio for me. Shawn Mendes's Senorita was playing

Land in Miami
The air was hot from summer rain
Sweat dripping off me
Before I even knew her name la-la-la
It felt like ooh-la-la-la
Yeah, no

Sapphire moonlight
We danced for hours in the sand
Tequila Sunrise
Her body fit right in my hands, la-la-la
It felt like ooh-la-la-la

I felt myself going back to the memory of our dance at the party. But suddenly his phone went off and I switched the radio off. He received the call. I found that the caller was his dad. I saw his face lights up while talking. He was having a business-related conversation.

I turned my attention towards the road and I saw the dawn light. The sky was in orange color and I felt so peaceful. I heard Arjun arguing with his dad. I can't understand anything. After a few seconds he disconnected his phone and threw his phone in the dashboard.

What happened? I asked

"My dad asked me did I give Lila a birthday present" he said with his eyes on the road.


That's when I realized I forgot about Lila and I just forgot about Arjun being her fiance. Did I just went out with her fiance?

I turned my head towards the road and saw the orange sky again but this time all I felt is guiltiness.


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