Her night walk

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I was upset because my best friend is behaving like she doesn't believe me. She had always trusted me then what happened now? Maybe she found you have some kind of feelings for her fiance shut up I scolded my useless mind voice.

"Oh and Avni, I wanted to show you this" she said and extended her hand to me. There on her left-hand ring finger laid a diamond ring with a big stone in the center.

"Arjun gifted me this for my birthday. I didn't expect him to gift me anything but he just did. You didn't see the way he was gazing at me when he gave me this. I almost thought he was going to propose to me" Lila said everything grazing at her ring and smiling to herself.

I felt that. I felt that boiling feeling in my stomach. Maybe this is jealousy, I can't able form the words to reply so I just smiled at her and it came out as an awkward smile. Let's pray that she doesn't find out that you are jealous of her. My useless mind voice-only knows to give pessimistic comments.

"Heyy" Lila waved her hand in front of my face flashing her ring even more. I shook my head slowly making me turn out from my own world.

Anything wrong, Avni? She asked with a concerned face. I suddenly felt a tug in my heart for feeling jealous of my own friend. She is my Best friend. I should be happy for her right but why am I feeling the opposite.

"It's nothing Lil, I was just thinking about how my life suddenly changed" I said and shrugged.

"Mine too. I have never imagined my life to turn like this" she said staring at the wall behind me.

Like what? I inquired

"Like...like a fairytale, finally I am going have my happy ending with Arjun" she said averting her eyes from the wall to me.

"But you never wanted one" I can't help but ask her because Lila never believed in fairytales or happy endings, she was always a practical person. The one who believed about fairytales and happy endings here is me, she always scolded me for that.

"Yes, I never wanted it but God gifted me it. He gifted me Arjun"

Hahaha the same God thought Maybe Arjun making an appearance in my dreams is a good idea. The thought of the dream made me remember my last night's dream.

I can still remember how the hot blood poured out from my stomach and that devilish smirk from Arjun. I can never forget that dark eyes glaring at me.


Why does the road look creepy at night and pleasant in the mornings? I should have left the cafeteria early before the dusk but Lila was the one who asked me to stay too long.

My phone vibrated in my jean pocket and I retrieved it from there. It was my mom.

"Hello, mom"

Where are you Minnie? Usually you'll reach home by 5 O'clock, what happened now? She spoke holding her breath.

"I am fine, I just had a detention and then I went to a cafe with Lila, Mom"

"Come soon, Sweety. I am going to cook dinner. Let's eat together tonight" she said excitedly like a sixteen-year-old.

Mom, Don't you have work tonight? I asked, she should be in her work by this time.

"No, I am not going to that work anymore. I can't leave you alone all night" she responded

"You don't have to do this for me, mom. By the way, I have a company tonight, Lila said she will come for a sleepover tonight. So you go for the work" I lied to her, my mom likes to work in that dinner, she even gets paid well also. She herself has told me that she liked her job very much. I don't want her to leave her job for me.

"But I can find a job very soon, Minnie" she tried to convince me.

"Nope, you are going to work. I don't want you to quit your job for me, Mom"

"I don't have any problem in quitting" she said her voice sounding nervous.

"I have a problem, mom. I don't want anyone to worry about me, I will feel very guilty if you quit this job. Of course, I will feel happy if you stay with me at night but not by quitting your job. Please go" I pleaded her. The most important reason behind my pleading is what if she gets hurt instead of me. What if that person trying to hurt me hurts her also. I can see myself hurt but not the ones I love.

"Fine, I am going. God, you are so stubborn" she said with a defeated tone.

"Lol, I inherited that from the best" I giggled

"Okay, young lady then I am going now, Lila is coming right be careful both of you" The mention of Lila's name made me recall my lie.

"Yeah, she said she'll come. Bye mom" I mumbled and prayed that she doesn't catch my lie.

"Why do I feel like you are lying to me, your company for tonight is Lila or some other guy," My mom asked suspiciously.

"Mom, I don't even know any guys" I yelled at her

"Therefore bye, Avni. Good night!" She disconnected the call

The moment I disconnected the call, I felt the temperature around me drop. The empty road seemed more creepy. I walked quickly. I just wanted to reach home without any trauma.

I felt like somebody was following me. I increased my pace of walking, I didn't dare to turn back and see the face of the person who was following me.

The moon gleamed above me if this was an ordinary situation I would have stood and admired the beauty of the moon. I can sense the person has also increased their pace.

Run Avni Run

My mind voice instructed me. I obeyed it and ran as fast as I can. I am not a runner just a few minutes of running as it made me tired. I suddenly realized no one was following me. I stood on the abandoned road lonely.

I didn't waste my time there. I literally ran towards my home. After reaching my home.

Something inside me asked me to turn around. I turned around the first time tonight and saw the same black hood standing beside the tree.

My entire body trembled by seeing that figure and the memories of the previous night flashing in front of me. I turned away from that and ran inside my house. I locked the door behind me and walked straight towards my room.

Once I entered the room, I realized there was someone in my balcony. Is that the black hood? Why should this happen to me?

Come on, Avni. Be strong you are a strong girl

Yes, I can do this so I picked a flower vase from the table and slowly walked towards the balcony. I can feel my heart beating fast. I took small steps towards the balcony. Once I reached the balcony I closed my eyes and stretched my hand with the vase to knock on the figure standing in my balcony.

And that figure screamed and I recognized the voice Arjun


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