Anime Night

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Cry/Ryan's P.O.V

"Hey Sara"


"You guys wanna come over for an anime night?" I smiled at them from behind my mask as we wandered through FYE. Anthony smiled and picked up a yoshi plushie, handing it to Sara.

"Hell yeah! Anime night!!" Ian fist pumped the air and smiled enthusiastically.

"What anime are we gonna watch?" I smiled and looked at Pewds.

"Death Note"

*time skip*

"What time are they going to be here?" I looked at Pewds, his blonde hair toussled slightly from changing his shirt.

"Around eight, are all of the preparations complete?" He smiled and nodded, using his fingers to fix his hair.

"Yes sir, all of the popcorn is ready to be eaten!"

"And the soda?"

"Fizzy and cold, Sir." We looked at each other for a second before laughing.

"Im gonna go set it up," He nodded and walked over to his laptop.

I went out to the living room and turned on Netflix. Tonight is going to be fun.

Pewds/Felix's P.O.V

I turned on my laptop and started playing some happy wheels, screaming at the screen whenever I died.

"Anger issues much?" I jumped when I heard Sara's voice behind me.

"Sara! Dont to that!" She giggled and poked my shoulder.

"Sorry, but c'mon, we're all waiting for you." I smiled and followed the short brunette out to the living room, seeing everybody gathered on the floor.

"Dont worry everybody, the life of the party's here!" I laughed, seeing Cry wearing his mask again.

"Yeah right, we all know that Anthony is the life of the party!" Ian protested, elbowing Anthony in the side.

"Shut up, idiots," Sara thunked Ian and Anthony on their foreheads. "It's starting!"

*magical time skiiiiiip!!"

"So, lemme get this right, L is a detective who was ordered to kill 'himself' by someone who thought he was another person?" I looked at Cry, utterly confused.

"Yep. Really makes you think, doesn't it?"

"It's like Doctor Who all over again..." Ian muttered, rubbing his temples as if he had a headache. Sara laughed lightly and kissed Ian's cheek, smiling brightly.

"I wanna take a break for a while, how about we play some games?" Anthony suggested, wiggling his eyebrows at Cry and I. I

looked at him and blushed.

This was going to be interesting..


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