Chapter 82 - The End

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  • Dedicated to You

I scuff my feet along the footpath as I walk home. It's been a long day and I can't help but tune out Angie's voice.

"You shouldn't do that, you'll wear out your shoes." she scolds me.

I chuckle, "Okay mum." I say sarcastically, shooting her a smile, letting her know I'm joking.

She doesn't smile in return though, "Have you heard from her lately?"

I shake my head, "Not in the last eight months. She hasn't bothered contacting me and I don't really want to talk to her. Why?"

"No reason." she says, avoiding eye contact.

"Angie. You really suck at lying. What is it?"

She shrugs, "It's probably nothing. Your uncle didn't seem very sure."

"Now you have to tell me."

Angie sighs, "Jeff says your dad told him that he and your mum have split up."

"My parents have split up?"

"I thought that they would have told you."

"They never told me." I say quietly, unsure how I feel about it.

"I'm sorry Riley."

I shake my head, "No, no. It's fine. Thanks for telling me." I stop in front of our new apartment building. "Well, this is me."

Angie smiles half-heartedly, "It is."

"I'll see you tomorrow, I guess."

"See you."

With that we go our separate ways and I head inside.

When I reach our floor Niall is sitting outside the front door.

I really just want to go inside right now and do nothing. Better fake a smile then. 

"Hey!" I say, unlocking the door, "How long have you been waiting?"

He gets up from the ground and follows me inside. "About 45 minutes, I think."

"You should've text me first. I would've told you I was going to be late home."

Niall shrugs, "It's okay. I need to talk to you anyway."

I sigh, "Please say this is not bad news. I cannot take much more of that right now." I say, sitting down on the couch.

Aside from my parents divorcing life is pretty unsettled right now.

Joe and I have just moved to Wimbledon to be closer to the UoA campus. First semester is starting soon. And Zoe is just about ready to pop. I found out she was pregnant not long after I moved back to the UK.

"It's really a matter of personal opinion whether it is good or bad, I guess. I mean, I think it's good and I hope you will too. I mean, we wanted to tell-"

"We? What do you mean we?"

He just stares at me, "Nevermind. It doesn't matter."

"Niall, you cannot tell me you have something to tell me then say it doesn't matter. Spill!"

He takes a deep breath. "It's about Will."

I frown, "Oh no. What has he done? Did he get in trouble at school? Has he got a secret girlfriend or something?"

"Boyfriend." he says, avoiding looking at me.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"Will has a boyfriend."

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