Ch. 16

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You woke up feeling cold. As you looked around, you couldn't see Spencer anywhere. 

"Where is he?" You questioned yourself out loud. Getting up from Spencer's bed, you walk to the kitchen. He wasn't there, but you did notice a note on the fridge. 

Good morning Bunny, 

I've gone out for a little while to get some things, but I'll be back soon. I didn't wake you because you looked too cute and too comfortable. Feel free to make yourself something and watch whatever you want. 

A light blush came across your face, you put the letter down and took a deep breath. You wondered how long he had been gone for. 

You didn't feel like eating and you were immensely tired of watching tv. You spent some time wondering around thinking to yourself, before you decided to call your mother. You had a sad conversation about recent events but soon you came to talk about Spencer. Your mother seemed to really like hearing about him and constantly said he was a sweet boy, which you agreed with. Although she did mention that she wanted you to go back to school and maybe go back to your own home. You didn't completely feel comfortable yet, but knew it was the right thing to do. 

 You soon finished the call with your mother just as Spencer walked in.

"Who was that?" Spencer questioned. 

"My mum, we were just having a small chat. Why?" You replied. 

"Oh, okay. No reason." He mumbled. You noticed when he entered he held nothing. 

"I thought you went to "get some things", what did you get, where are they?" You questioned him, although after saying it, felt quite embarrassed. You felt very pushy. 

"Full of questions today aren't we?" Spencer smiled as he walked closer to you, he didn't answer your questions though. As you were about to ask again, you noticed Spencer getting really close. Before you knew it your head was pushed to his chest and his arms comfortably around your waist. 

"W-What are you doing...?" You murmured a question. You were confused. 

"I needed a hug..." He answered in a small voice, pulling you in tighter. You relaxed and hugged Spencer back, In fact, It felt really good. 

After your long hug with Spencer and him poking fun at you for your flustered, " adorable ",  red cheeks,  you sat down with him on the couch. You were going to tell him you were ready to go back to school, and, your home. 

"Hey I've been thinking, I reckon It's best if I go back to school now. And, well go home." You started, looking at Spencer. 

"Oh, but why?" Spencer's face didn't change, but you continued: 

"Well I just think It's about time, and Eli would've wanted me to..." You trailed off, sadly, looking down now. 

"Are you sure?" Spencer questioned, his voice seemingly lower now. You presumed he meant about it being about time. 

"Yeah." You took a deep breath and looked up with a smile. "Thank you for everything though!" You giggled. 

"When are you planning on leaving?" Spencer was not smiling. 

"Oh, probably today. Then I can get home and get ready for school tomorrow." You answered. Spencer seemed to have been thinking for a moment before responding. 

"How about tomorrow. Just stay another night." He proposed. You sighed and smiled again. 

"I don't know, I think It's better to be prepared for school and doing that at my house would be best." You explained. 

"Stay another night." Spencer repeated, still seemly in thought as he spoke. You thought for a moment, It seemed like he really wanted you to stay for one more night. 

"Alright, just tonight then. Will you help me tomorrow?" Spencer was quiet for a little while, then he suddenly lit up. He smiled widely and looked you right in the eyes. 

"Of course!" He exclaimed with excitement. You were very confused, and somewhat worried. You were unsure of what just happened. Spencer's mood changed so much in such a short time. You were wondering what he was thinking. Maybe he's bipolar?

"Oohkay" You replied with an awkward smile. Spencer kept his large smile on his face and just looked at you, at this point, It was creepy. You were concerned. Then, his mood changed again and he stopped smiling. He just looked at the tv and turned it on, finding something to watch. You just stared at him for a while, trying to wrap your head around what had happened. 


The rest of the day Spencer seemed fine. You both watched movies and talked a little about nothing in particular, Spencer even cooked. However, you politely refused to eat. You really weren't feeling hungry today. Later on when you started to feel sleepy, Spencer encouraged you to go to bed, he said after all, tomorrow was going to be a big day for you after whats happened. You couldn't agree more. 

Spencer gave you a drink first, he said that It would help you feel more relaxed and sleep better. You drank up the strange tasting liquid and thanked him. Then, went off to bed. Spencer said that he'll be in later. You got comfy under the covers and realized how much better his bed is then yours. "I definitely need to buy a new mattress." You spoke to yourself before closing your eyes and letting sleep take over you. 


A rotting, putrid, sour smell filled your nose as you woke up. You felt dizzy and slightly sick. You opened your eyes but it was far too dark to see anything. You noticed how uncomfortable you were and that your feet felt like they were frozen. Your entire body felt frozen. Your brain tried desperately to figure what was happening. The last thing you remember was going to sleep in a warm, cozy bed. And now, you wake up from a foul smell on an uncomfortable lump. Your body now not only shivering from cold, but shivering with fear. 

You tried to rise slowly, but you felt weak. Your head was pounding as if you were just waking from a hangover. Something was not right. It was then you remembered you were staying with Spencer! He wouldn't let anything happen to you, right? So, maybe, this is just a dream?

It felt much too real though, the pain was too much. If this wasn't a dream, maybe someone could hear you? You tried your best to speak up...

"S-Spencer... are you there?" You called out in the darkness. Your throat felt dry and itchy. 

A sudden burst of light made you shield your eyes with your arm. As you slowly put your arm down, letting your eyes adjust, a figure was seen not far away. It was when you heard the voice you realized just who this figure was... 

"Good morning, Bunny..."

There was only one thing on your mind right now:

'Whats... happening?...'

Study of the mind ➸ yandere x readerWhere stories live. Discover now