Ch. 5

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You lay in bed, in complete darkness, not being able to sleep but also not trying too either. 

Instead you were caught thinking about the strange boy. The information you had right now was that you had strange feelings of being watched, until you finally seen him of course, although your not quite sure what he looked like. You were almost sure he had black hair, but that was the most of your knowledge about his appearance. You also knew that he had been looking at you a lot, because whenever you seen him, he was looking in your path. 

"Ugh, shut up and go to sleeeeeep!" You told yourself out loud and huffed angrily. You were wishing you could shut your brain off but there was no chance of that happening. So instead, you sat up in your bed and grabbed your phone. 

You tried your hardest to find this guy on social media but that proved difficult when you had no information about him whatsoever. You went through many peoples accounts, looking at who they were following, who liked their pictures, and so forth. Hours passed before you realized the time, and realized how far you had gotten... absolutely nowhere. You once again huffed angrily. 

"Well that was a waste of time!" You said to yourself, eyebrows furrowed in anger. You sat your phone back down and fell back into your bed harshly, exhaling loudly. You felt tired but still knew sleep was out of your reach. So you looked up at your ceiling and traced invisible lines until morning came. 

When morning did arrive, you didn't have to lay there and listen to that frustrating sound like you do every other morning instead you grabbed your phone and turned it off before it was time. You didn't sleep at all and you were not excited for the day ahead of you, knowing that you will have to try and keep your head up in every class. You slowly got out of bed, feeling a bit dizzy, then proceeded to get your clothes and other things ready for the day. 


Once arriving at school, you walked down to the seat under the tree, waiting for Eli to arrive. Looking down, scrolling on your phone, you were already feeling the tired consume your body, that was until-

"Well hi." You heard a silvery voice say, you looked up to see a tall guy standing in front of you. He wore black skinny jeans with a dark-grey t-shirt. He had a very soft, good-looking face and a warm, comforting smile. You were first stunned for words but tried quickly to muster the courage. 

"Oh, hello." You said, thoughtfully confident, but it seemed to have come out a bit more small and scared then you had envisioned it. His smile grew wider. 

"Are you new here this year?" He asked you, but at that very moment you weren't focusing on his words, rather his black, raven hair. And his somewhat, familiar face. It was him! You soon came to realize that he had asked you a question and you stuttered and stumbled over your own words. 

"O-oh, yes! I- I'm yes, new... Okay.." You awkwardly said, lowering your head to the ground, hoping it would consume you and get you out of this awkward situation you had manged to put yourself in, of which you frequently did. He chuckled.

"It's adorable how awkward you are." He said with a smirk. His voice was rather smooth and very clear, sending shivers down your spine. You weren't really sure how you felt in this very moment, it was new to you and you were wishing that something would come up to take you away from it. 

"Oh-" In just that moment, before you could come up with some clumsy reply, Eli arrived. 

"Whatssup my girl." She sung loudly, walking up to you and taking a seat next to you. 

"Oh um-" You were once again cut off from speaking and you weren't sure if you were thankful or annoyed. 

"Annnnnd whos this?" Eli asked looking up at the tall guy standing in front of you still. He smiled and politely introduced himself. 

"I apologize for not introducing myself sooner, my name is Spencer. I was hoping to get to know your friend here." Spencer said to Eli, gesturing to you. Spencer seemed very well spoken and well educated, you weren't sure if you liked how kind he was, in a weird way. Not to say you wanted him to be rude, but it seemed just a bit too much. And as if Eli read your mind, she weirdly said:

"Well Mr whatever-whoever 'my friend' would probably like to get to know you too, if you didn't sound so posh and from the 18th century. C'mon dude, yeah girls like that polite shit but damn, you're really laying it on thick." Although it sounded quite rude coming from Eli, she was right. You felt as if he need to be more 'chill'. 

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to make a good first impression, that's all. My mother taught me how to speak to pretty lady's but then again, she was a bit old school."  Spencer clarified. He looked to you with a warm smile on his face. Wow, he was really cute. I mean!..-

"Great well in that case I'm off and you two can "Get to know each other"." Eli said using air quotes and rushing off into the corridors, leaving with a proud but evil smile on her face. 

"Oh, um, I-I'm (Y/N)." You felt inclined to say. You were feeling very shy. No one has come up to you before, wanting to get to know you, let alone a handsome guy like this, and as if you weren't awkward enough already.  

"You seem very nervous." Spencer smirked. "Is everything okay?" He asked. It was sweet you thought. 

"I'm okay, I guess i am just a bit shy. Sorry..." you apologized for no apparent reason. You did that quite often, saying sorry when you really didn't need to. 

"Hey it's okay, you don't need to say sorry." He said, also taking a seat beside you as Eli had done before. "And i think it's quite cute that you're shy." He continued. You could feel your face getting hotter, so you quickly looked down to the ground once again, in attempt to cover your flustered face from this almost-stranger. As your thoughts became more noticeable, you realized that you had forgotten all about this guy watching you. Well you didn't know for sure that he was, but it was your best guess. You had forgotten about that when he spoke. His voice, in some way, took you to a new place of thinking. It was new and weird, you weren't sure if you liked it or not. 

"So, what are you studying?" Spencer asked you, thankfully, because you were starting to forget he was right beside you when your thoughts took over. 

"Psychology, I'm very interested in what people think and why." You answered honestly, with a smile on your face. 

"Maybe i could be your patient one day." Spencer replied, more of a statement than question. 

"Yes, i'd like to know your way of thinking, considering you think i'm cute." You gave a sassy sort of response that you were quite proud of, considering you were a clumsy mess 4 seconds ago. He laughed quietly at your words and held a wide smile on his face. It was a beautiful smile that would stay in your head for weeks after seeing it. You thought it was strange that you thought all of these things about this person that you barely knew. Looking at the time, you class would start at any moment, if not, already has started.

"Oh i'm sorry, I've gotta go, to class..." You said, now looking quite sad. 

"That's okay, I guess I'll find you again soon and we can continue this little psychology session  about my thoughts." He smiled to you and you gave a little giggled.

"Well as long as I'm getting paid for it, sure." You joked and left it at that and ran off to your class, not wanting to be too late. 

Whilst sitting in class you now found it hard to concentrate with this newly found friend, Spencer, on your mind. 

You now had many thoughts which included: 

'He's so strange...'

Study of the mind ➸ yandere x readerWhere stories live. Discover now