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| (A/N), Hello! This chapter is low-key bad :/ It's a little short too, but It'll start getting interesting soon! Stay happy and healthy, see ya. |

You woke up with a headache, and a damp pillow. Last night you cried so much, you ran out of tears. Your throat felt as if you had swallowed barbwire. You didn't want to get up today, but you got the strength and decided not to let what happened pull you down too much.

Today you wore jeans and a big hoodie, but didn't feel like accessories or makeup. You went downstairs where Eli was already waiting. You didn't talk to her. You didn't want to. It was a quiet, painful morning. 

Both you and Eli got into the car together, still no words being said, and you drove to school. When you got there, you went down to the usual and sat with Spencer. Eli walked right past and went into the hall. You were thankful for that. 

"Are you okay?" Spencer asked. You look up at him and gave a half assed smile in reply. Spencer put his arms around your shoulders and hugged you. You didn't know you needed it until it happened. You rested your head on his shoulder and without noticing, tears slid down your cheek. You weren't crying though. There were just a few left that needed to come out. He held you and his warmth was comforting. You felt safe and happy there. 

"It's okay..." Spencer whispered softly and you felt weak again. A different type of weak. Like it was okay to have no strength now. You were slowly pulled away from him which made you a little upset, but you were thankful that he was there for you. 


The day was long, and miserable. People were staring at you and whispering. However, you didn't see Mr. Spriggs anywhere. Could he have really listened to Spencer? Did he actually leave? Suppose it didn't matter, as long as he is gone. 

You spent your breaks with Spencer, and without Eli. Although, you got to a point where you wanted to sort things out. In all honesty, you just wanted things to go back to how they were. 

At the end of the day, you had said goodbye to Spencer and walked to your car. You felt a little bad considering he invited you to hang out. But you told him you wanted to work things out with Eli. He seemed annoyed, but you were sure it was fine. 

Eli was waiting for you. Driving home, not one word was said, but when you got inside you asked Eli to talk. You both sat on the couch.

"To start off, tell me why you did... that, and why you lied." You requested. Eli took a deep breath and started talking:

"I, didn't really want to, but felt i had too. See, my mum, she... She's been really tough on me lately. I know I've said lots about my mum, but It's still hard, and hearing her say to my face t-that... She hates me, It kinda, hurts. She said if I ever wanted to be apart of her family again, the least i'd have to do, is get my grades up. They are shit. I acted without thinking. I asked him to help me, a-and... Well It went that far. I was so embarrassed and I couldn't tell you, I was horrified myself. (Y/N), I'm so sorry. I'm so dumb. And I can't believe he did that to you, I-I...."

"It's okay..." You needed time for all that to sink in. It was weird. You sat for a while, quiet. Actually is was more than a while. You looked at and Eli and as if you both knew what was happening, she hugged you. You felt better, like you could finally put it all behind you. 

You spent the rest of the day hanging out with her and forgetting all about everything that happened. You cooked together and watched some anime. You had honestly forgotten all about your phone, it was nice. 

Later that night, when you went to bed, you seen that you had a few messages from Spencer. You felt a little bad not responding for such a long time, so you sent a quick message explaining how you were bonding with Eli. After that, you couldn't really wait for a response. You were too tired. You climbed underneath the covers and got comfy. 

Drifting off into a deep sleep you had one thought:

'I'm glad we're friends again...'

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