Ch. 6

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After class, you waited at the seats under the tree. For either Eli or even Spencer to show and talk with you. Now thinking of it, you thought it would be hard to make friends, but twice now, someone has come up to you and started talking. That has never happened before, you would either be forced to talk to someone, or just be left lonely, but now, two people have, for some reason, taken an interest in you and made the first move. You were thankful for that. 

"Soooo..." Eli said rushing up to you. 

"Soooo?" You replied back, knowing full-well she was meaning: 'How did things go with Spencer.' She huffed at you. 

"Come on!" 

"Okay okay..." You started. "We talked a little bit before i had to leave for class, but he seems really nice and interesting." Before you could say anything else-

"AND CUTE, don't forget cute!" She quietly screamed in excitement. You gave a strange look so Eli.

"Sorry, i just need something to go good so i can be happy about it, lately life's been shit, having to deal with my mother." Eli's mood had quickly changed, as she was now looking at her hands in her lap. But at the same time, you had thought of an amazing idea. You weren't sure if Eli would be into it, considering your not 'that' close yet, but you went ahead and suggested it anyway.

"Hey, i was thinking... I have a spare room at my house, and it is kinda lonely there with just me. If you want to get away from your mum, you could always come live with me, if you want to of course." Eli turned her head swiftly towards you and she looked as if tears were swelling in her eyes.

"You really mean that!?" 

"Of course! I understand how difficult it can be, so if you need to get out, your more than welcome to live with me. I promise i won't make you wear weird, ugly, old clothes that makes you look like a nun." You decided to add a bit of fun into explaining your idea. Eli laughed in appreciation. 

"That would be so amazing, if you're really sure, thank you so much, i don't even know how to react." Eli was usually good with expressing herself, but during this time, she was finding it harder. You just giggled a bit and Eli attacked you in a hug. 

"I don't know how she'll react, but I don't care. I'll finally be free!" Eli exclaimed in excitement. 


You didn't see Spencer anymore that day, which made you feel quite sad. However, after you got home your mind was quickly taken away from boy thoughts. You decided you would do a really good clean of the whole house before Eli came over. She went home to pack her things and said that she would come over in a few hours or so. In the meantime, (Although your house was not messy.) you wanted to clean and make sure everything looked nice. You even lit some candles  around so that it would smell good. Once everything was done, you still had some time to kill, you were about to turn on the tv and relax for a bit, but decided first on something else.

A little while ago, your father had gotten you a bracelet. It was a black bracelet with beautiful, shiny stones in it. Although this bracelet wasn't really special to you, you thought that Eli might appreciate it, as a welcome gift. You got it and went to the spare room, (Soon to be Eli's room.)  and placed it on the bedside table for her. You then went to sit down on the couch and wait for your new roommate to arrive. 

Not much longer, there was a knock at your door. You jumped up rather quickly and opened the door, revealing your friend, Eli. She had a large smile on her face and a few bags with her. A taxi drove off behind her.  You could tell from her somewhat ruined makeup that she had previously been crying. You let her in and helped with her bags. After a quick house tour you arrived at Eli's new bedroom. 

"It's a little empty right now, but add whatever you want! Make it your own! I know it made me feel better to be in a place that made me comfortable, so... You do you!" You said with a big, welcoming smile on your face. 

"Thank you again, so much (Y/N). Really, it means so much to me." Eli said slowly, in a slightly sad voice. After a little conversation at Eli's door, she had decided that she wanted an early night. You said goodnight and parted ways, leaving to your own bedroom. 

It was comforting knowing that you had someone sharing this house with now. You lay in bed, with only happy thoughts, for the first time in a little while. 

As you were drifting off into a sweet slumber, a thought arose: 

'I hope she liked her gift...'

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