Ch. 14

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'KNOCK KNOCK!' Your eyes fluttered open to a loud noise. You sat up in your bed and rubbed your eyes, yawning. Then you heard it again. Someone was at the door. 

"Ugh, this early." You said to yourself, getting up and grabbing a robe to put around yourself. 'Who would be here this early?' You thought. Then remembered Eli wasn't home. You thought It must've been her. But surely she would just come in? Maybe she forgot her key?

As you got closer to the door, the knocking continued. 

"I'm coming!" You shouted, trying not to sound too rude this early. You opened the door and cold wind brushed in and covered you. Standing there was a tidy, stone-faced police lady. She had brown hair pulled tightly back and clean, very neat uniform. 

"Hello?" You said, or rather, questioned. You were confused, did she have the wrong house, wait- did you do something wrong!? You silently started to panic about unrealistic situations. 

The lady in front of you held her hat in her arms and looked sadly down at you. She sighed and started talking.  

"I have some bad news to tell you." She started. This gave you time to prepare for the shock. "Your friend, Eli, has been stabbed and killed." 

You felt yourself go numb. This was a joke. It had to be... Besides, Eli was with her family! She wasn't dead! No!

You tried you best to speak up, which proved difficult: "W-What Happ-" Your voice trailed off, not being able to continue. 

"She was found with multiple stab wounds early this morning, we suspect it happened only hours before she was found."

You didn't know what to do, you wanted to drop to the ground. You wanted to scream, shout, yell, run, anything! But you couldn't, you were frozen in place. Your eyes became heavy until tears finally shot out. 

"Eli, lived with you, yes?" The police lady asked slowly. You tried your best to nod as you couldn't talk right now. 

"So you had a right to know what happened to her. If you have any questions i will try my best to answer them." You had a million questions, no! More! But you couldn't bring yourself to ask any of them. You looked up and the lady, your face full of tears and snot, unsure of what to do now.

"Is there someone close by you could call or stay with for a while?" She asked you. Slowly, you nodded your head, not even thinking of who you would call or stay with. 

"If you have any more questions you can contact us when you're ready..." You watched as she started to walk away, but she didn't go far before she stopped and turned back towards you on the spot. "I am sorry this has happened..." She said looking upset, but trying to show a kind smile towards you. She then began walking away again. 

You stood in the doorway, still frozen. Your throat felt as if you had swallowed barb wire, your hands felt as if you had punched a wall billions of times, your eyes felt as if they had been stung. You managed to close the door and stumble your way to the couch. As soon as you reached it you fell. You let go. You cried loud and hard and it only seemed to hurt more and more. 

'There was no way she- Eli wouldn't be- I can't believe shes-' Many thoughts slammed your head but not one could you bring yourself to finish. 

"This isn't real..." You said to yourself out loud. "T-This... Isn't, real... IT'S NOT REAL!" You screamed to yourself. It hurt so bad. 

Eli really was gone.



It had been hours, many hours, since you found out she was gone. You had time to cry, plenty of times, and you had time to be angry. Angry that she would leave you after everything, angry that someone would even think about hurting her, angry that you weren't there to save her. You had time to feel everything, so now, and worst of all, you were sat in the same place you collapsed in, and felt nothing. Nothing at all. Your eyes stung from the tears that wouldn't end, your throat ached like you were being strangled, your head feeling bruised, after everything. 

As you sat looking lifeless, there was someone outside your door waiting for you. They knocked and knocked and called out to you. You didn't respond though, you couldn't. You had just hoped they would go away, but the opposite happened. 

"(Y/N)... I'm coming in, okay..." Spencer slowly opened the door with no response from you. He walked in to see you on the couch and he came up to you. Your head hurt from being in the same spot for such a long time but you slowly, looked up at him. He took one look at your face and quickly sat next to you and hugged you. He wrapped his arms around you and held you so tightly. Your arms didn't move. 

"S-Shes really..." You started saying, but he hushed you.

"It's okay, I know." He said, holding you tighter. 

You both stayed like this for awhile and It was comforting. Finally when Spencer spoke up, he asked you to stay with him for a bit. You gladly said yes. Staying here, without her, would be difficult. Really difficult. He helped collect some of your things and put them in his car. You felt a bit more okay now, knowing you had someone here who cared about her like you did, and was there for you to help you get through it. 


You got to Spencer's house and he helped you bring your things up. 

"You can sleep in my bed and have my room, I'll take the couch." Spencer offered. 

"What no, that's okay, really I'll sleep on the couch, I don't mind." 

"It's really uncomfortable, you don't wanna sleep there. Just take my room." He said. 

"If It's so uncomfortable, why do you want to sleep there?" You asked.

"I don't. But I'm a gentleman." He said with a big grin. It made you giggle a bit. 


You had been with Spencer for a few hours now and you were starting to feel more like yourself. Of course you were lost and confused and, well sad. But Spencer was good at making you hide that by laughing. You and Spencer didn't go to any of your classes but instead spent the day watching movies and telling each other funny stories to cheer you up. 

Once it got later, you started to feel down again. You were on Spencer's couch with him right next to you.

"I miss her..." You said quietly. 

"I know, but It'll be okay. I promise." Spencer said with a smile. You felt so happy he was your friend. 

You felt yourself getting tired, today has been a ride. Not a very good one. 

"I think i might go to sleep." You said to Spencer. He said sure and the both of you hoped off the couch and went to Spencer's room. You sat down on his bed as he stood in the doorway. 

"So, everything's okay?" He asked. You gave a small smile and nodded. He smiled back and went to walk away.

"Wait..." You said, silently huffing to yourself. He faced you again. "I don't want you to have to sleep on the couch..." You felt bad, you couldn't just come into his house and take his room, It's not fair.

"Well like I said, I'm a gentleman. I'm not going to let you sleep out there." He grinned. You were starting to get nervous. "Unless, you want me... to sleep in here, with you?" He asked, a cheeky smile on his face. 

"J-Just because I feel bad..." You clarified. Spencer chuckled and started walking towards you. As he did he took off his shirt and throw it somewhere on the ground. 

"W-What are you doing?" You panicked. 

"I sleep shirtless, that's all. If you're not okay with it I can go back to the couch..." 

You huffed at him. 

"N-No, It's fine." Spencer seemed to be enjoying himself, you knew he was just teasing you, well you thought, so you just brushed it all off. He climbed under the covers and you felt the bed move, then his warmth surround you. You tried to keep to the side of the bed, not wanting to bother him. 

"Goodnight, bunny." He said softly. 

As you were once again pulled into your head of endless thoughts, one stuck out: 

'Who would hurt her like that?...'

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