Ch. 13

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It had been a few days since all the drama, and things were getting better. Of course, you had been having some weird, scary dreams, but you didn't think of them as a big deal, and you never see Mr. Spriggs which was really good. You were so happy he actually listened to Spencer, surprised, but happy. 

Speaking of Spencer, you had not been spending time with him recently as you were supporting Eli. But you knew he'd understand. 

You were sitting on the couch reading when you got a message from him. 

Spencer | Hey, can I bother you for another session today :)

"Whats up?" Eli asked taking a seat next to you on the couch. 

"Oh, Spencer wants hang out." You replied to her, cheery. She seemed bothered, as you were going to text him back, she interrupted you. 

"Actually, I-I need help (Y/N). I need to study and I wanted to ask for your help..." Eli asked you, looking down into her hands placed in her lap. 

You took a moment before responding with a smile. 

"Of course, I'll just tell Spencer another time."

(Y/N) | Sorry, Eli wants me to help her with some studying. Maybe another time though! :) 

Spencer didn't respond to you after that.

You helped Eli and it was actually fun. She made lots of jokes and you both were having a good time. It became very late before you realized the time. You were starting to get hungry. 

"Hey, do you wanna order pizza?" You asked. She replied with a very happy smile which you knew meant hell yes

After a small while of waiting, your pizza arrived and you and Eli sat at the couch to watch your favorite show. You had a nice day bonding with Eli, although that's what you have been doing for the past couple of days or weeks, but she needed it. Every time you thought she was okay and you could hang out with someone else, something in her would break and she'd need you again. It was okay though, she is just having a tough time right now and you were happy to help. 

After cleaning up your mess and turning off the tv, you and Eli went to go off to bed, but before you entered your room-

"Hey, (Y/N)..." Eli said, quietly. 

"What's up?" You asked with a smile. 

"Well, It's just... I've been having some trouble sleeping lately... I was wondering... Because of my nightmares and stuff... could you stay in my room tonight..." Eli asked looking to the ground. She was slow and quiet. You considered for a second and gave a silent sigh. 

"Sure." Eli looked up swiftly and gave a smile as you walked over to her. Of course you wanted to stay in your own bed, but she needed you. 

It was only rather early, but you both climbed into Eli's bed and started to drift off. That was before you got a message. 

Spencer | Hey, can I call you? I wanna talk...

(Y/N) | Sorry, Eli's sleeping right now and I wouldn't want to wake her.

You didn't want to wake Eli up and you were sure It wasn't urgent. 

Spencer | How would you wake Eli?.. 

He sent back. You decided to explain. 

(Y/N) | She was having nightmares and wanted me to stay with her tonight  in her bed. But we can talk tomorrow! 

You stayed awake for a while after that, but Spencer didn't respond. You didn't want to bother him with another message. Maybe he fell asleep or had something else to work on. You put your phone down and got some shut eye. 


It wasn't long, or didn't feel like long before you woke up gasping for air again. That dream, that same dream again! You sat up in bed and remembered Eli was fast asleep next to you. Keeping quiet you got up and went out to the kitchen, making sure not to wake Eli on your way out of her room. 

You grabbed a glass of water and sat down at the table. You had been having this dream, no, nightmare almost, for a while now. But every time you woke up, you couldn't really remember every detail about it. You just knew that you felt sick, and you were crying and calling out. But nothing ever came when you called. You would always wake up reaching for air and sweat almost dripping off of your forehead. You sighed and checked your phone. It was 5 in the morning. You didn't really feel like going back to bed so you got your things ready for the day and sat on the couch to watch some anime quietly to pass time. 

It was soon that Eli got up and came out to greet you. 

"Hey how long have you been gone for?"

"Gone? I wasn't gone. I got up... just a few moments ago." You lied to make it seem like you haven't been awake for such a long time. Eli shrugged it off and went to get some breakfast. You decided, now that Eli was awake, you could shower and get dressed. 


Arriving at school, you and Eli walked down to Spencer. 

"Hey!" You said cheery. 

"Hi." Spencer said bluntly. You felt something was off, but being unsure, kept to yourself. 

You and Eli talked and Spencer didn't join in much, when it was time, Spencer was the first one to leave for class. You were sure something was off now. 

The rest of the day was quiet and uneventful. You didn't see Spencer again, thinking he probably had a change in his timetables. As the day was creeping to an end, you and Eli started walking up to your car, before she got a message that was. She stopped right away and looked carefully at her phone.

"Everything okay?" You asked, wanting to get home. She took a moment before responding. 

"Um, yeah. I-I forgot, I'm actually going to see... my family today, s-so I'll be home later." Eli kept looking down at her phone. She seemed to be keeping something back from you and trying not to panic. 

"Wait, are you sure everything is okay?" You asked once again. There was for sure some horror in her eyes. 

"Yes! I'm late. I-I'll see you later!" Eli rushed off after yelling. You stood confused, but she was going to her family so you presumed Eli would just come home and tell you all about it later. You got into the car and drove home. It was nice to have a bit of time without Eli, not being rude. Sometimes It's just nice to have your own time and space. 

You relaxed at home for a while and got a little bored. You decided to call Spencer to have a chat with him. You wanted to make sure he was okay. You hadn't been spending time with him lately as you were looking after Eli but you really liked Spencer. He was so nice and kind and funny, you felt like he really got you, and you got him! 

You tried to call him but he didn't answer. 

"That's strange." You said to yourself. It was unlike Spencer to not pick up, maybe he was busy. 

You huffed and melted into the couch, letting it take you to a whole new world. It was so comfortable that you accidentally fell asleep. You needed it after all. 


You weren't sure how much time had passed but you woke up with a sore back and a quiet home. You yawed and stretched, wincing in pain. It was very dark, so you got up and turned some lights on, then checked your phone. 


"Eli should be home by now..." You said aloud. You had no notifications from Eli or Spencer. Or anyone for that matter. You weren't feeling too worried and knew she was with her parents, so maybe she was just staying there tonight. You decided to go to bed and call her tomorrow. 

You lay down on your comfortable mattress, looking up at the ceiling. It was quiet and delicate in your room, in your whole house. It was hard to close your eyes and keep them shut, so you watched as your mind made lines dance in the dark. 

As your eyes became heavier, you thought about your friends:

'I hope they are okay...'   

Study of the mind ➸ yandere x readerWhere stories live. Discover now