Ch. 7

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Both you and Eli slept well and had an interesting morning getting to know each others routines. You drove Eli to school and you were quite glad you had someone to be with each morning. You were kinda a lonely person.

Once arriving at school, Spencer was seated in your usual spot. You could feel a strange feeling in your stomach. You had never really felt this feeling before, so it confused you.

"Hi!" Spencer greeted you and Eli excitedly with a welcoming smile.

"Oh, so your going to be hanging out with us and stuff now... cool cool." Eli said, you were sure it was a joke... almost.

"Afraid so" He simply replied. You gave a little giggle and took a seat. The three of you discussed events about your lives that had recently happened before it was time you separated into your respected classes. Then, during your breaks you would find each other and talk again, and finally at the end of the day, you had said goodbye and went on your ways, both you and Eli together of course.

In fact, it went on like this for a few weeks. You were finally familiar with your classes and teachers and where to go and where to be. Spencer became a good friend of both you and Eli.


It was a Saturday and you were alone at your house. Eli had promised that she'd spend every Saturday with her family, It was her mum's condition. Eli agreed thinking it wouldn't be that bad, but every Saturday night she comes home and complains to you. You don't mind though. In the meantime, you were sat on the couch watching anime.

Whilst indulging yourself into the anime world, your phone buzzed, distracting you. You took a look and noticed you had a text message from Spencer.

Spencer | Hey, if you're not busy, got time for a patient?

You smiled at this. He was referring to how you want to be a psychologist and you remember him saying something about him wanting to be your patient one day. I guess that day is here.

(Y/N) | Sure! Better pay up though :)

You sent a message back with a joking reply. He sent you a text about where you two could meet and soon you were standing in front of a beautiful, small cafe. You walked inside and it didn't take you long before you seen Spencer. It was very quiet inside and it was very beautiful. You took in everything as you walked to Spencer.

"Wow, this is a lovely place." You smiled and sat down.

"Yes, my parents used to bring me here all the time." He replied.

"But they don't anymore?" You decided to be brave and ask.

"No, my parents passed away." Spencer's face didn't change.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" You quickly said, feeling sad.

"Don't worry, It's fine." He replied and with a smile on his face too. You thought this was unusual but brushed it off.

"So, what's on your mind?" You changed the subject to the reason you were here.

"Is that how you start off talking to your patients?" He smirked.

"Oh, um, I don't know. I haven't technically had a patient before." You said.

"Well, I'm glad to be your first." He smiled before continuing: "I've been feeling, some sort of way, recently..."

"Can you describe that feeling?" You asked, channeling the psychologist in you.

"It's difficult actually, to describe. But it's a strong feeling, really powerful."

"So is this a good, or bad feeling?" You say, thinking Spencer not now as a friend, but really a patient.

"I don't know how other people would see it. Bad or good, or even something else."

"Well forget other people for a moment, focus on just you. Do you think this "feeling" is good or bad? Does it make you feel happy, or upset?"

"I think, it makes me... feel good. Yeah... more of a happy feeling i suppose." He said.

"Well that's good then. Is this feeling, despite the fact it makes you feel happy, bothering you in some way? Is that why you want to talk about it?" You asked.

"Yeah, i think that's it! I think it's bothering me..."

"Well that's okay, If this feeling is new to you, something you haven't really experienced before, then It could be bothering you due to change. A lot of people don't handle change very well, I know i don't. So despite the fact it's a "good feeling" for you, your mind and body might be confused because it's also a "new feeling" for you." You explained.

"Wow, you're... really good at this!" You smiled as Spencer spoke those words.

"It could take a while for your mind and body to be comfortable with this new feeling and the best thing to do is acknowledge it and know that it's okay. Help yourself be comfortable with it, because it makes you feel good."

"So even if, other people don't agree with me, It's okay for me to have this feeling?" He asked.

"Of course! Don't let others influence what you do and how you feel. If there is something that makes you happy, then listen to yourself. Own that feeling, build on it!"  You smiled.

Spencer smiled a big, bright smile at you and his eyes looked as if there was some new shiny light in them.

"Thank you so much (Y/N), you make a really good psychologist." He said excitedly. You giggled.

"No, thank you!"


It became late after a while of you and Spencer talking more. He was so interesting to talk with and you really enjoyed having that experience of actually helping someone with a problem they had. After you noticed the time, you had decided you should probably go home. Eli was for sure already waiting there for you. Standing up, you said your goodbyes to Spencer. He was sad to see you go but sent a big smile to you on your way out. You made your way home and stepped inside where Eli was on the couch waiting for you.

"Where have you been!?" Eli yelled, glaring at you. You explained your outings with Spencer, although she didn't really seem to care that much. In fact right after you had finished talking, Eli had moved on to ranting about her day with her family. You were used to listening to others and not really having someone to share your emotions with. You were okay with it though, after all, that was what the rest of your life was going to be like if you became a psychologist.

You listened to Eli and gave her some smug remarks about her mother, which is what Eli really wanted out of these conversations anyway, then proceeded to make your way to bed.

"Um, where are you going?" Eli asked, confused.

"Bed..." You answered, as if it were obvious.

"(Y/N), It's 9:00PM... Saturday night... You're seriously going to bed?"

"Yeah, I'm kinda tired." Eli huffed at you.

"You're always tired, well... I"m going to go out for a while. See you in the morning i guess."

You said goodbye to Eli and found yourself in your bed, where you had wanted to stay all day. Checking your phone you had a message from Spencer.

Spencer | Thanks for today, you're great ;)

Looking at this made you smile.

(Y/N) | Anytime :P

You replied then put your phone down and snuggled into bed further. While drifting into a nice slumber, you thought about today's adventure:

'What was he feeling?...'

Study of the mind ➸ yandere x readerWhere stories live. Discover now