Akari's Ending: Her Monster and Her Monster Alone

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The forest was a serene place, albeit one filled with shadows and unknown animals prancing about. Occasionally, Akari would jump at the little crumpling of leaves or the snapping of branches that the animals would make. He would always listen for a while longer before letting out a sigh of relief and placing his hand over his rapidly beating heart. But he couldn't quite figure out why his heart was beating. He should have been used to places like the forest. Worse still, whenever he glanced over at the younger girl, the beating got worse.

(Y/n) didn't seem to be worried, having complete faith in the male's protection. He could tell she felt secure with him around. That only made the thumping in his chest get worse, along with the bittersweet ache that lingered around. Hesitantly, he touched at his chest, wondering if something was wrong with him. His mind kept wandering to places it shouldn't have been. For example, wanting to stay next to her should have been a nonstarter.

With every step he took, the realization - bit by bit - dawned on him that, once he handed her off to Yoru and Tadashi, he wouldn't be protecting her anymore. After he had been the one to draw attention to her, he should have gone back home and repented. He put her in danger. That fact was unacceptable to him. Clearly, the worst punishment he could have given himself was staying away from her completely. As long as she moved and Narahashi was with her, she wouldn't have needed him anymore. The aching in his chest got worse.

She must have noticed, too. That was another thing he failed at. Whether he was trying to or not, merely being around her was unjustly influencing her. He didn't know why she liked him, but she had shown him more kindness than the others. In fact, she had gone out of her way to make him feel better or to bandage his wounds. That meant he was guilting her, wasn't he? Again, that was an unacceptable fact, the blonde biting down on his bottom lip hard as she started to talk to him.

"I want to thank you," she spoke quietly, "You did a lot to get me here, and I know you're doing a lot more after this, too. I'll be honest...I don't really think I deserve your help."

"But - "

"I know what you're going to say, but relax, okay? It's just that I'm a little unused to this. I mean, the loyalty. It makes me a little embarrassed, really."

The blonde stared down at the ground in disbelief. The way she talked made it sound like he was doing something purely out of the goodness of his heart. She must not have realized how selfish he was. After all, starting from the very beginning, even though he should have, he never wanted to share. He didn't want the others to know about her, he didn't want Narahashi to be around her, and he didn't even want Arien to know...Akari shivered.

"So," the younger girl paused, throwing the male a curious glance, "What happens after?"


"After I hop in the car. I don't mean what will happen to me either. I'm asking what happens to you."

"Well...I just go back to the house so nobody gets suspicious. And then...I don't know," A pause. "We should hurry up. Someone might catch us."

Contrary to what the male requested, (Y/n) stopped in place. It was probably expected that he would get freaked out and urge her to follow along, but she did no such thing. Akari was avoiding her question. He knew exactly what he was planning to do after she left. In fact, he had probably been thinking about it since she had first brought up wanting to escape. The guilty look on his face told her all she needed to know; that he wouldn't be sticking around her anymore.

"Do you still care what I want?" she asked, the male tensing up.

"O-Of course! Whatever you want, I'll - "

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