Chapter 39: Bloody Nose

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(Y/n) slept away the rest of the day, and Yamato was far too flustered to remember to wake her up and force her to eat dinner. As a result, though Akari and Rei entertained themselves and Shota left the house for some reason, Takuya found himself extremely bored. He couldn't do anything as exhausted as he was, and he couldn't sleep because he would wake up at midnight and end up ruining his circadian rhythm. So, he could only watch television lazily until a reasonable time came for him to go to bed. As if to mock him, his eyes stayed wide open.

Takuya swore (just like all the other days) if he only closed his eyes and waited patiently, he would fade into sleep sooner or later. He just had to not think about it. But when he was trying not to think about it, all he could think about was thinking about it and thinking about it was exactly what he was trying not to do. As a result, he ended up getting too bored to stay in bed, perking up at around midnight and groaning. Of course it didn't work. It never worked.

The male moved to grab a lollipop, hoping he could just stay awake through the next day and get to normal the next night. That, obviously, wasn't going to happen when it never did. He would just end up collapsing in the middle of the day and sleeping until midnight again, but he wanted to be on the side of wishful thinking. That's what the lollipops were for. As he tasted the comforting flavor of artificial strawberry - despite its cough syrup taste - he gave a relieved sigh, his mind wandering to the (h/c) haired girl and making his cheeks get nice and warm.

Every time he ate a lollipop, he couldn't help but think about her. She invaded his thoughts constantly. And, yet, she hadn't forgiven him yet. The girl might have started smiling and laughing with Akari and Haru but she only seemed to look at him with resentment. Shota said it wouldn't last long. Shota lied. She didn't even want to hear his apology or his explanation. Was it really because she was mad or were the others taking up her time? Frowning, the male darted his eyes over to the door.

He wasn't supposed to go and see her. The male knew that. He also knew that there were heavy punishments for it. And, yet, without even thinking about it, he lifted himself off his bed and snuck out into the hall, closing his door silently behind him. Takuya didn't hear anyone, so he assumed he was in the clear, rushing over to the girl's door. Creaking open the door, he saw her sleeping quietly, almost defenselessly.

The male had only meant to check in on her. Really, that was his only goal - to see if she was alright. Maybe it would have reassured him enough to let him sleep. Then again, he should have known better. He couldn't help it. In fact, it was practically subconsciously that he moved towards her, slowly crawling on the bed beside her. He thought it would be alright. It wasn't like he was trying to do anything nor did he have any sinister thoughts. He really just wanted to finally fall asleep.

He felt a sense of relief when he laid down beside her, a small smile tugging up at his lips. The male felt warm next to her, feeling, finally, at peace. Still, he wanted more, greedy as he was. He didn't think he would refer to himself as "greedy", but there he was, having snuck into her room just to hug her. Shyly, he moved to wrap his arms around her like she was a stuffed animal, trying his best not to wake her.

Yet, all of a sudden, his eyes flickered open, the male feeling himself tense for some reason, only for him to feel something wet. It confused him greatly until he saw movement, the male lethargically looking up to see shaking eyes staring back at him. (Y/n) had been woken up, her eyes wide in terror and her elbow behind her. The male panicked as he saw it was covered in blood, reaching out to help her. He started feeling woozy all the while, wondering why now he was getting tired.

His body started getting hot, too, flashing up unpredictably. That was when it hit him. Out of self-defense, she elbowed him in the nose, breaking it on impact. What he felt was blood - adherent and thick. As if to verify it, he touched under his nose, narrowing his eyes in concern when he, in fact, felt more of it. The sudden urge to vomit came to him, the sense of dread washing over him not because of the pain but because he felt nothing. His breathing started to escalate, the younger girl rushing up to turn the lights on.

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