Chapter 47: Lessons

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(Y/n) was stunned. For a split-second, she found herself paralyzed over being trapped between the bed and Takuya. And though she knew he was only trying to stop her from leaving, a shiver ran up her spine as she saw the look on his face. It was one he'd made before; one of desperation and something else she couldn't put her finger on. Either way, it was dangerous. She could tell that much.

"Uh, Takuya - "

"I'm sorry; I'll make it better."

With that rushed and panting statement, Takuya suddenly lowered himself onto her, supplying her neck with ample kisses. With each passing act of "love", he became less himself. On the contrary, it was like something was taking over him, possessing him to the point where the kisses began to hurt. As she made a sound of discomfort, he suddenly shot up, his eyes trembling and the rest of him shaking to the point where he could barely hold himself up. He looked weak - weak enough to lose any and all strength in his legs.

"Y-You can't be - ," he paused, repeating that first part for a while before a rush of fear washed over him and forced out the next words, " - mad at me. You can't. You can't, okay?!"

"Then get off of me!"

"But if I do, you'll leave and, if you leave, you'll never come back, and, if you never come back, you won't love me, and, if you don't love me...She might really kill me."

"What - "

"So, I have to make you happy, right? That's all I have to do? I can do that! J-Just like she taught me, so - "

Takuya didn't even finish his sentence, leaning back down with a shaky body to "make her happy". Though she didn't know what that meant, she found out rather quickly when the white-haired male began sneaking his hand down to the bottom of her shirt. He tried distracting her with kisses but she flinched as his hand made its way under her shirt and towards her chest. Angrily, she kicked at him, but, in that state, it was like he couldn't even feel it, far too focused on the task at hand.

He kept murmuring about whether or not she liked it, but he clearly didn't seem to enjoy it. The male was in tears as he toyed with her chest, his eyes going blank like he was trying to distance himself from the scene. In fact, she didn't notice - far too preoccupied with other things - but he wasn't breathing anymore. (Y/n) struggled as much as she could but, when he couldn't feel any pain and had her pinned down, there wasn't much she could do. And, yet, just when she was about to shout out his name, suddenly, he collapsed.

The younger girl let out a scream, shoving him off of her while she waited for the others. As always, Yamato was the first to respond, firstly relieved she was alright but secondly worried about the white-haired male. Shota and Haru came in not too long after, the redhead moving forward to take Takuya's pulse. He flinched as he noticed how fast it had become, turning quickly to Haru.

"Go get his pills! He's probably like this since he stopped taking them...right? If you get them now, hopefully, he'll wake up soon."

"Do I have to?" Haru grumbled, giving an unrestrained sigh, "I mean...if he doesn't wake up, I can sleep with (Y/n), so - "

"I didn't ask for your opinion, brat! If you're not going to grab them, then get one of your doctors here right now!"

The brunette gave another scoff and walked away to do what he was asked, making Yamato rush out to grab the pills. Shota continued monitoring the white-haired male, taking constant notice of the rapid heart beat and the slow, labored breathing. He glanced up at the younger girl for an explanation but he didn't receive one. She simply shrugged as though it were merely an accident. The male gritted his teeth.

"They're coming," Haru mumbled, sitting on the bed next to the younger girl and snuggling up next to her, "I did good."

"Yeah," she mumbled, making him give an enthusiastic smile.

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