Chapter 56: Pink, Beige, Blue...And Now Yellow

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All of the males were elated when they came back to the hospital the next day to find out that the (h/c) haired girl had miraculously recovered from the cold. The doctors were unsure how she had done it, considering it seemed much worse the previous day, but no one really cared. They were just happy she was better, Yamato praising her for fighting off the illness and Rei calling him an idiot for having a stupid smile on his face.

"Good morning," Takuya paused, handing her flowers before shyly blushing and adding, "sweetheart."

Upon saying the term of endearment, he giggled and hid his face from view by covering it with his hands, shaking his head in embarrassment. He peeked from his makeshift barrier to see her reaction, the tips of his ears turning pink, too. The white-haired male had been up all night to come up with that nickname for her. Of course, he wanted to call her "princess" but she obviously didn't like it very much, so he settled for a sweet-sounding name. He seemed to like saying it more than she liked hearing it.

"I didn't know what your favorite flower is," he bashfully grinned, "so I decided to play it safe. Are roses okay? Or, maybe you like lilies? Ah, should I have gotten white flowers like that? It would've made you think of me more, huh?"

Since the white-haired male went and put himself in a somber mood, he didn't notice how the younger girl reacted to the question. She just put the flowers down on the table, exhaling for an unusual amount of time. No one did end up noticing, except, of course, for Akari, her own personal little stalker. In fact, completely oblivious of the clue in front of him, Shota eagerly presented her with a small tray of beverages.

"I also was unsure what your favorite drink is, but I do know you love sweet things. I ended up grabbing some cider, hot chocolate, iced coffee with tons of sugar, and a lot of other drinks I can't pronounce. Please, have the first pick."

It came as no shock that the (h/c) haired girl snatched up the hot chocolate. Completely satisfied, she gave a brief look of longing at the drink, tilting it up to sigh happily. Shota smiled. It was always great to know what she enjoyed. Clearly, he would have to stock up on some hot chocolate for the pantry. The others grabbed a drink for themselves, all of them relaxing and celebrating her swift recovery before taking her back.

"I'm so relieved you're back safe and sound, cupcake," Rei chuckled as he noticed her fleeing into her room, the male throwing his arms around her waist from behind, "It must have been no fun at all sleeping all alone last night. To make up for it, I'll sleep in your bed tonight. You know, to keep you company."

(Y/n) attempted to ignore the remark, quick to escape from his arms and grab new clothes. Of course, Rei wasn't keen on leaving, laying himself down on her bed. He was pleasantly surprised to find it smelled just like her albeit a bit fainter. While she entered the bathroom to change, not wanting to risk him taking a peep, he entertained himself. By the time she came out, he was hugging one of her pillows. Aggressively, she snatched it out of his hands, hitting him over the head with it.

"You know, you smell really good," he chuckled, accepting the loss of the pillow in exchange for her, pulling her down on the bed with him, "I noticed it when we met for the first time, too, really is amazing. What kind of perfume are you using?"

"I'm not. In the first place, I would never have had the money to waste on something like that, but, also, did you see any perfume in the bathroom?"

"Mm! So, this is what you smell like normally? That's great. That means I can smell this whenever I want."

"As if. I don't belong to you."

The blonde chuckled darkly, looking at her with an expression that said otherwise. He had a teasing grin spread from one cheek to the other as he made direct eye contact. Some part of the stare felt dangerous, as if he was threatening her with something if she said that again. Though, another part of it seemed like he wanted that to happen. Either way, Rei had genuine confidence that he would be the one to possess her in the end, but since she had little idea of why that was, she felt great wariness at his arrogant attitude. She wondered if Akari told him something.

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