Chapter 67: Hostage Situation

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As he heard his nickname, Yamato glanced up, only to reflexively pull (Y/n) back. She gave a small gasp of surprise, following his and his men's gaze to see an unfamiliar male casually smoking a cigarette. He must have been a bit older than the brunette, far more mature in appearance - though, presumably not in personality. He didn't resemble the brunette when it came to physical appearance, possessing black hair and gray eyes with a hint of magenta in them, but something about the way he carried himself had certain things in common with Yamato.

The unfamiliar male was also accompanied by what looked like his own men, all of which were very intimidating. If not for the fact that they practically towered over them and had overwhelming muscles, the giant guns in their hands did the trick of making them a threat. They were also toying with the triggers from time to time, as if they were just waiting for a chance to use the weapons. Maybe that was why Yamato started getting worked up, the male leaning down to her to provide explicit instructions.

"Don't say a word. Don't look at them. Don't get separated. Anything happens, run out of here with Yusei and don't look back."

The younger girl didn't ask what the brunette meant by that, figuring the unfamiliar men must have been incredibly dangerous, but she did raise a brow. Yusei was also on guard but, unlike all of Yamato's other men, he was not making eye contact with the group. On the contrary, his eyes were fixated on the ground, unmoving. He probably knew what to do in that situation but he definitely didn't look as though he had any confidence in following the instructions the brunette undoubtedly gave him beforehand.

"Aw, what's this?" the ravenette chuckled, stepping forward to analyze (Y/n), "Kage got himself a girlfriend? Congrats. Ya ain't a virgin no more, huh?"

"You're on our territory."

"Didn't hear? Pops went and bought a nice, big, old place down in Hibe we'll be settin' up shop in. Don't think he gives a damn 'bout you and your mom's little territory crap. 'Course, you can go ahead and take it up with the bastard yourself."

"I will."

"That'a spirit. Sure he'd love to hear from Tsunade's little brat. Feel free to shoot him in between his old-ass eyes, 'kay? You'll be doin' me a favor. I'll repay it real good, too. Promise."

A moment of silence washed over the two, presumably as Yamato didn't respond. Nonetheless, there must have been some heavy eye contact exchanged between the two since the brunette tightened his grip on the younger girl. He was unrelenting, pulling her into his body as if he could shield her from sight. A scoff could be heard from the ravenette before a hum where the male put on a much nicer voice.

"Say, why don'cha invite me over sometime? Love to get to meet a few of your members, 'specially a certain one I know you got stashed away. Name is Kei. Ring a bell?"

"Let's talk another time."

"'Cuz you're just so busy, huh? I kinda want the bastard now. We could fight over it; winner gets their way. Ya like fightin', don'cha, Kage?"

"I'll have to take a raincheck."

"Ha. You bein' a little bitch 'cuz of this chick here? I can take care of her, if ya want. Real good care."

The ravenette must have tried touching her since she felt Yamato shove him away. She tensed up as she heard the sound of the unfamiliar male's men toying with their guns more. The brunette probably also knew it wasn't wise to provoke them. He was just debating whether or not to hand her off to Yusei already. It was uncertain whether the ravenette wanted to escalate things at that point, but he made it clear in his own way.

"Well, guess it is a fight you're lookin' for."

At that point, Yamato shoved the younger girl to Yusei, the younger male quickly taking her behind their bodyguards. The second she was out of his hands, the brunette landed a square punch on the older male, sending him stumbling back a bit. For a second, he tried to figure out what Yamato did, only to laugh hysterically. Wiping a tear from his eye, he massaged his cheek where he'd been struck, taking a good look at the scowl Yamato was making.

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