Chapter Fourty-One

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I think that the ideal space must contain elements of magic, serenity, sorcery and mystery.

~Luis Barragan

Chris arrived home from his Christmas break on the 21st of December, and we all decided to celebrate his homecoming. Pj, especially, was excited to see his much missed lover, presumably looking forward to all of the Christmas themed sexy times that would occur later on that night.

We met Chris outside his house, all nine of us. Lily was still blatantly ignoring Dan and fawning all over Jim, but I couldn't blame her; Dan had been an idiot when he lied to Lily about loving me.

I mean, who wouldn't love me.

None of us had any idea where we were going; we were all just thankful to be together. The only people that weren't currently holding hands were Lily and Jim, but I think they were just shy.

Dan and I were walking as close together as humanly possible, swinging our linked hands between us.

I think we got the idea at the same time, because as the thought blossomed in my mind, Dan instructed everyone to follow him.

We strolled in quiet serenity, the forest forming around us more the further we walked, and then thinning out again as we reached the Magic Clearing, as Dan and I had so named it; when you were there, it felt like you had stepped into a fairy-tale, and anything could happen at any minute.

The air was crisp and fresh and still, only a slight icy breeze brushing past the surrounding trees, weak, pale daylight filtering gently into the glade, like I imagine a chick witnessing the first signs of sun through the cracks in the egg, before it pecks through the shell and becomes yet another creature for Mother Nature to nurture into adulthood.

There weren't enough logs for ten people to fit on, so we had to compromise. Lily, Jim, Joe and Darcy sat side by side on one, and Zoe and Alfie, Chris and PJ, and Dan and I sat on the other: Zoe sat on Alfie's lap, Chris on Pj's, and me on Dan's.

We chatted animatedly for a while, cracking bad jokes and teasing each other, before Darcy let out a small squeal and all eyes turned to her.

"Can anyone else feel that?" she breathed, excitement alighting her dainty features.

Just then, I felt something cold and wet land on my wrist, and looked down to notice the quickly melting snowflake settling into my skin.

"It's snowing!" I exclaimed, clapping my hands together.

Sure enough, the snowflakes began to drift to the ground a little faster, becoming more visible and collecting on the ground. It hadn't rained for weeks; it would stick!

It didn't take long for the ground to become completely white, somewhat of a snowstorm swirling around us as we watched in awe.

It was Alfie that jumped into action first, slyly patting together a snowball and then flinging it at Joe.

And so the great war began, teams were assigned, and victories were gained, (none to my team, of course.)

We made a group effort on a snowman, albeit a small one seeing as it had only started snowing about an hour ago at this point. Chris donated his scarf and PJ his hat, so we all jokingly named it Creej (pronounced creejay) and labelled it their lovechild.

"We aren't calling any of our children Creej," Chris told Pj, smiling at the answering 'awhs'.

We made snow angels and ended up just laying in the snow giggling, too lazy to get up.

"I'll meet you guys outside the forest, it's too cold," stated Joe, and stood up, brushing off the snow that coated his body.

"Yeah, me too," agreed Darcy, standing also.

One by one, our friends departed, Dan and I being the only ones remaining.

I was far too relaxed to move, my eyes squeezed shut. I was actually on the verge of sleep, despite the cold, when a weight suddenly shifted onto my body, making my eyes fly open.

I smiled when I saw it was only Dan, hovering over me with his elbows rested either side of my neck.

He pressed his mouth gently to my jaw, pecking the skin there and causing me to wince at the cold.

"Your lips are freezing!" I complained, shivering.

"So warm them up for me," Dan teased, smirking against my skin and kissing from my jaw to just below my bottom lip. I swallowed as his lips glided over mine, kissing back and immediately wrapping my arms around his torso to bring him closer.

Suddenly, I couldn't keep from laughing into Dan's mouth, the chuckle escaping my lips before I could stop it and causing him to break away.

"What?" he groaned, annoyed at my interruption.

"I just realised," I giggled, "That we kiss in really weird places."

"I'm not complaining," Dan grinned, "are you?"

He reconnected our lips; his tasted like snow and cold and chocolate.

"No," I whispered into the kiss, hugging Dan closer.


Yesyes hello yes
Four days till Christmas whooooop
Four chapters left nuuu

Songs I listened to:

Song Of The Sparrow by SayWeCanFly
Longview by Green Day
The Way We Were by Carrie Hope Fletcher
Go The Distance by Emma Blackery

~Georgina <3

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