Chapter Ten

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Don't worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you.
~Robert Fulghum

Mum was pretty angry, but she thawed considerably when I handed her my nights earnings. She agreed to let me continue babysitting, as long as I was back before midnight and took the weekends off to have a break from late night's and early mornings. I accepted her conditions and retired to bed in an unbelievably good mood.

The next day of school flew by. I completed a science exam, took a picture of a marble, and attacked Chris with a pile of leaves, all in a blur. The only really slowed down moment was being introduced to the new Head Boy in assembly, because I just had to bask. Joseph Sugg could give me detention any time he wanted.

After I had arrived home, completed my homework, picked leaves from my hair, and gotten changed, I set out once more to the Howell household. Only this time, Cassie's new boyfriend, Kenji, gave me a lift in his pick up truck. He worked evenings at the tattoo and piercings shop on the same street as Mrs Howell's house, and he finished at eleven, so he could drop me off home on his way to his apartment just past our street. He had bright blue hair and spoke very poor English; I think he was the one who pierced Cassie's tongue. He was a nice enough guy, despite the lack of communication skill.

Later on that evening, when I was sitting at the dining room table playing scrabble with Sadie, Maddie surprised me by speaking for the first time since we met.

"You look happy, Phil," she lisped, blinking up at me with those chocolate eyes.

"I guess I've just had a good day..." I replied, smiling down at her uncertainly.

"Well, that's good. When you smile, it makes me want to smile. You have one of those smiles."

I grinned and thanked her for the weirdly grown up sounding compliment.

Damn it, children are the best.


Double update hahey wazzup
Read The Glowing Eyes by TheAnimeJunky the feels are just
I put my Christmas tree up, it's 24 days till Christmas are you excited BE EXCITED
Songs I listened to:
Every panic at the disco song ever bc damn Brendon Urie could sing me into my grave and I wouldn't mind
He's bae
I'm in love


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