Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Sometimes, the best way to help someone is just to be near them.

~Veronica Roth

With nobody to wake me up on Friday morning, my sore eyes didn't open until gone 12. It didn't matter anyway, I had nothing to do.

The first thing I did that morning (or afternoon, whatever) was just stare. I stared at the ceiling, at the walls, at my still open laptop. I couldn't bring myself to move anything but my eyes, my body overcome with heavy exhaustion.

With a sudden surge of energy, I leaped out of bed and grabbed my phone, eager to hear news on Cassie. I dialed my Mum's number, but after about twelve shrill rings, it faded into voice-mail. I sighed and ended the call, falling back onto my messy bed.

I should shower, I thought, eat, or something. But still I lay. Maybe later.

I was forced to get out of bed, however, when the piercing noise of my doorbell rang through the air.

With a groan, I heaved myself upwards and reluctantly made my way to the door.

When I pulled it open, I was met with the cheerful face of my lesser seen best friend.

"Chris! Shouldn't you be at school?"

He shoved past me and let himself into my kitchen to sit on the side. I followed, slightly annoyed.

"Your sister is all over the local news."

My blood froze in its tracks and I looked up at him slowly. He patted the space next to him and I heaved myself up.

"Did you find her?" he asked softly, wrapping his arm around my shoulder in a rare show of affection.

"Yeah..." I muttered, dipping my head. Chris patted my back sympathetically and jumped down from the counter, suggesting we bake something.

"Like what?"

"I don't know. Anything we can."

There weren't many ingredients to go by seeing as we hadn't really had the money to buy extra stuff lately, but Chris didn't say a word. We realised we could just about scrape up enough to make cookies, so we set to work on those.

Four egg mishaps, lots of flour flicking, and one near burning incident later, the cookies were set out on two plates in front of us. And although they were a pain to make, and they looked really weird, they did smell good. And I did feel a lot more cheerful, despite the fact that my sister was recovering from a suicide attempt in hospital.

Just as we were about to tuck in, there was a timid knock at the front door, and straight after, a louder, more confident one.

Chris and I glanced at each other, and I placed my cookie down on the counter and made my way to the front door.

When I opened it, I was met with the warm, long arms of Dan, and the cheers of his friends. They were all wrapped up to their ears, the icy December air clearly too much for them.

"Hey Lion!" Dan murmured into my neck, still hugging me tightly. "Hope you don't mind us being here, we figured you'd need some company."

"Thanks," I laughed, pulling away, "But Chris is here too - you don't mind do you?"

"Course not!"

I let them all in and we relocated to the sitting room. The cookies went down a treat, as did Chris. They all welcomed him just as they had welcomed me, and it made me smile to see him laughing and joking along.

After a while, people started splitting off into twos and chatting amongst themselves. I spied Zoe and Alfie and Chris and PJ laughing together. Lily had bought her younger sister, Darcy, and Darcy's friend, Jim. Darcy disappeared to converse with Joe, while Lily made uncomfortable small talk with Jim.

Dan stayed chatting to me, and I spotted Lily glaring at him a few times.

That night, I climbed into bed and smiled to myself. I loved my friends.

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