Chapter Thirty-Six

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Always do what you are afraid to do.

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

I slammed the faded blue door of Kenji's pick up truck and turned to wave as he pulled away.

My breath hitched in my throat as I turned to face the familiar house, and I bit my lip as I knocked.

Mrs Howell opened the door with a surprised smile.

"Phil! Why didn't you just come on in, sweetheart? Come, come!"

She bustled me inside the house, and then two little hurricanes hit me head on. I grinned as I hugged Sadie and Maddie tightly.

"We haven't seen you for ages, pet!" Mrs Howell beamed. Then she glanced  upstairs.

"Then again, we haven't seen Dan for ages either, and we live with him, isn't that right girls?"

"Yes!" Sadie and Maddie squealed simultaneously, still clinging to me like little monkeys. I noticed that they were wearing their cute little winter coats and shoes.

"Going somewhere nice?" I asked, glancing back up at Mrs Howell.

"We were just off to see Santa, weren't we, babies?"

The girls squealed and let go of me to run to the door, their little faces alight with excitement. Mrs Howell chuckled and then turned to me again.

"Well, best be off! See you later."

She turned to open the door, but paused.

"See you later, Dan!" she called up the stairs. Then she didn't hesitate to leave, running to catch up with Sadie and Maddie as they darted away.

When the door clicked shut, I glanced back at the stairs, sighing as I made my way up.

I went straight for the door at the end of the corridor, and knocked politely.

No reply.

I opened the door slowly and peeped in. The room was in complete darkness, so I felt around on the wall for the light switch, freezing my hand brushed against something wet and a little sticky.

What was that?

What if it was blood?

My fears were confirmed when I located the switch and the room flooded with light, illuminating the two red splatters. My eyes followed the length of the wall, taking in the food on it and the smashed porcelain beneath it.

Dan, what have you done? I thought to myself, looking around the room.

"Dan?" I called, hearing the rising panic in my own voice, "Where are you?"

"In here," a small voice croaked out. I whirled around. It came from the wardrobe.

I frantically pulled the door open, and found Dan sitting cross legged in his tracksuit bottoms, shielding his eyes from the intruding light. I took in his cut knuckles, and wild hair that tumbled onto his forehead in half curls.

Thankful that he was still very much alive, I bent to sit next to him.

"Um," Dan laughed nervously, "I think I need to clean my wall."

"You're an idiot," I murmured softly, pulling him into my arms and cradling him against my chest.

He nestled his face into my t-shirt.  I was glad to have him near; the last time I saw him was Monday, and we hadn't exactly parted on the best of terms.

My heartbeat stuttered as I recalled his mouth pressed upon mine, hands pulling me impossibly closer...

"I love you."

I froze. Everything just froze. I swear the cars stopped in the street, the people stood still in their tracks, the earth paused on its axis.

I pulled away from Dan glancing down at him in shock. He swung his leg over so that he was sitting in my lap, grinning.

"What did you just say?" I whispered in disbelief.

"I love you, Phil." Dan repeated earnestly, resting his hands on my chest.

"I love you too," I murmured, sliding my arms around his waist.

Was this really happening?

Oh my god, this was really happening.

Gliding his hands from my chest up and around to the back of my neck, he leaned in closer until he was near enough to smile against my mouth.

"Can I - can I kiss you?" he whispered, his warm breath washing over me.

Instead of answering, I closed the tiny distance between us and pressed my lips carefully against his, relishing in the tingly sparks that ignited in my chest and stomach.

He smiled into the kiss, locking his arms tighter around my neck. I slid one hand up to rest between his shoulder blades and pulled him ever closer, my lips moving more urgently than before.

He was mine right now, and I was his; I needed to savour the moment.

We kept our tongues respectfully in their rightful places for the moment, both painfully aware that if they were to meet, we would be unable to refrain from taking things further. 

Not that I was entirely against that idea, just...

Not yet.

It was them that I realised how insane this was.

I was sitting kiss Dan in a wardrobe, considering sex at fourteen years old.

What even was my life anymore?

Whatever it was, I loved it.


Much cute, yas?
I had so much fun writing this dkdnri
Apologies for the later than usual updates, we had a Christmas thingy that I had to perform at at my school (my crush was there while I was singing WHY)

Songs I listened to:

The Fault In Our Stars by Troye Sivan (many tears)

Don't by Ed Sheeran

Time Is Running Out by Muse

The Sun Is Rising by Britt Nicole


Misfit by MelancholyMango

It's a phan au that I'm sososososo excited for agh
My body is ready

Ly loads!


Find me:

Twitter: ThisIsGeorgieXo

Tumblr: sugarcanellamas

Instagram: assemblingphilosophies

Collab acc: KnivesAndPens_xo

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