Chapter Thirteen

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If parents are the fixed stars in the child's universe, the vaguely understood, distant but constant celestial spheres, siblings are the dazzling, sometimes scorching comets whizzing nearby.

~Alison Gopnik

Mrs Howell and the children were relieved to see me. They had been on the verge of making an emergency visit to the neighbours' house. They had been worried about me.

I was quiet around the children all night. They noticed, but didn't call me out on it, instead just cheering me up in little ways.

I found a post-it note on the fridge that read 'smile :).'

Sadie got out her giant jigsaw that she saved for 'big days' and invited me to help.

Maddie added me into the family portrait that she worked extremely hard on: my scribbled stick figure with a mess of black crayon upon my head standing smiling next to a boy with brown hair and brown eyes that I assumed was her older brother, Dan.

Just small things that made me smile.

I've said it before and I'll say it again; children are the best.

I'd expected to catch the bus home; I was terrified but prepared. However, when I left the house with my money bundled up in my hand, my eyes fell on the familiar faded blue pick up truck, waiting at the side of the road.

Briskly, I jogged towards the truck, my breath escaping in small white clouds in the cool air. I really shouldn't have been wearing a thin jacket in mid October; it probably wasn't good for my health.

I reached my destination and pulled open the door, sliding into the passenger seat and inhaling the scent of honey and nail varnish. Pretty feminine for a twenty year old male, if you ask me.

Kenji greeted me with a warm smile and started up the truck instantly.

"Hi, Phil! I take home now?"

I shuffled in my seat, clicking my seat-belt into place.

"Yeah, whatever. Where were you earlier? Where was everyone?"

"Ohhhh," Kenji breathed, thinking hard about how to say what he wanted in a language I would understand.

"Don't worry. No abandon you or something. You mum and you sister, they ask for help. They tell you why, no my place. But we needed truck, so couldn't come for you, and no number. Sorry."

I nodded, confusion creeping through my veins as I pretended to know what the hell he was talking about.

Why did Mum and Cassie need help? And what about Dad? Dread seeped through my pores and settled in my stomach uncomfortably.

When we arrived home, I was practically on the verge of tears. Kenji said goodbye sympathetically and patted my shoulder, and I stood on the lawn and watched him drive off into the distance. Nice guy.

Reluctantly, I turned to enter the house. I did not look forward to stepping inside, fearing what I would find.

I don't know what I expected, but I didn't expect the quiet that filled the house, almost sombre in its silence.

I located Cassie and Mum in the sitting room, Mum on the sofa with her phone pressed to her cheek, frown lines etched upon her forehead, and Cassie standing beside her, biting her lip.

When she noticed me, Cassie glanced once more at Mum and quietly led me into her room.

"What's going on?" I demanded the second she shut her door, falling onto her bed and watching her join me. She sighed miserably.

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