Chapter Twenty-Two

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You can be the moon and still be jealous of the stars.

~Gary Allan

Bzzzz. Bzzzz.

Groaning, I rolled over, snuggling into the sheets that smelled beautifully of vanilla and lime. They were so soft...

But...sheets? I was in a camp bed on Dan's bedroom floor...

Reluctantly, I dragged my eyes open and cane face to face with blindingly white sheets and a pop-art themed quite cover.

I raised my head and took in my surroundings; I was snuggled into Dan's bed, and he was nowhere to be seen.

Bzzzz. Bzzzz.

Clumsily, I fumbled for my phone that was on the bedside table.

The first thing I noticed was the recently sent message to Cassie:

lol, he's fine, he's still asleep, dw he'll text you when he wakes up -dan

I grinned sleepily and opened up my new message.


Hey, I hope you're okay. I've decided I don't give one tiny fuck what my mother thinks. Friendship is hard to come by, and I intend to stick with ones like these. Sorry about my mother's immense bitchality.

With a muffled yawn and tired smile, I threw my phone back onto the bedside table and rolled over, wincing when I moved in a way that pulled my bruised muscles.

Somewhere in the real world, a door creaked open and the unmistakable smell of waffles filled the air.

I raised my head and peeked over the quilt, spotting Dan in the doorway. He was wearing tracksuit bottoms and nothing else, much like myself, and was balancing a tray on his knee as he shut the door.

I heard him humming to himself, and raised my eyebrows at him.

"Good morning, good morning, good morninggggg," he sang, turning to face me and flushing bright red when he realised that I was already awake.

"Good morning to you too, Beyonce."

Dan frowned and I gave him a questioning look. He trotted over to the bed, and held out the tray of waffles and tea.

"Your morning voice is way sexier than my morning voice." He explained, and my face heated up as I took the tray and shuffled upward on the pillow to eat.

Dan pulled the quilt beside me back and climbed into bed beside me, reaching over to snatch a waffle as he pulled the warmth over him.

"Why am I in your bed, by the way?"

"You looked uncomfortable on the floor, so I moved you onto the bed while I made breakfast."

I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my tea.

"You're such a husband, Dan."

"That's not a bad thing!" Dan defended himself, making me chuckle as he puffed his bare chest out indignantly.

"I know its not. Bet Lily loves it about you."

We sat in silence after that, sharing waffles and flicking nutella at each other.

After about ten minutes, the tray and my cup were empty, so Dan transferred them to the floor beside his bed. As he was still bent over, the door suddenly opened, and a wild Lily Holmes appeared.

Her face fell a little when she saw me, but she quickly regained her composure.

"Phil, hi! Good to see you. You don't mind if I borrow Dan, do you? I really need to speak to him."

Dan glanced up at Lily worriedly, then gave me a small smile before climbing out of bed and following Lily out of the room.

This is me. Of course I went to listen in.

The wood of the door was freezing, but I willed myself not flinch as I pressed my ear to it.

"-And I don't know, its just..."

Wait, this was bad, why was I doing this?

"Lily, I've explained this to you."

This could be serious, I couldn't just eavesdrop like this.

"All I'm saying, Dan, is you're not the only one with secrets."

I stepped away. She was going to walk out.

"What's that supposed to mean? Lily?! Lily, I love you."

I crept back to bed.



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