Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Burst down those closet doors once and for all, and stand up and start to fight.

~Harvey Milk

Dan disappeared from the screen to get his Mum, and I shouted for my own.

"Mum? Could you come here, I need to talk to you!"

Mum, who had had to come home to shower and collect some of Cassie's things, popped her head around my door.


I gestured for her to come and sit beside me, and she did, albeit confused.

"You're gonna have to wait a second - Dan needs to get his mum," I explained, and she nodded, glancing at the laptop.

Dan's head suddenly appeared, and with it, Mrs Howell's.

Mum beamed when she saw her; they had gotten on well at parents evening.

"Mrs Howell, hello!"

"How lovely, Mrs Lester!"

Mum winced at the title, but concealed it well.

"So," Dan began, shooting me a reassuring smile, "You guys are probably a little confused right now."

Mum and Mrs Howell nodded at Dan.

"Erm.." Dan looked to me for help, "Do you wanna...?"

All eyes turned to me.

Breathe, Phil, you can do this.

Everybody was still looking at me expectantly.

"We're dating!" I blurted, clasping my hands together in my lap. I wished I could cling to Dan.

Mrs Howell grinned widely, slinging an arm around Dan's shoulders.

"Wonderful!" she beamed.

I glanced sideways at Mum, bile rising in my throat when I saw her shocked expression.

When she caught me looking, however, a smile found her face and she wrapped her arms around me, squeezing me tightly.

I could have fainted with relief as I clung to my mum, basking in the acceptance.

It didn't take long for our mothers to understand our subtle hints and leave, still grinning from the unexpected news.

I lay back on my bed, shifting the laptop onto my stomach.

"Nice chins," Dan laughed, the dimples jumping in his cheeks.

"Why, thank you, I'm quite proud of them," I shot back, sticking my tongue out.

Dan blew upwards, fluttering his fringe from his forehead.

"That went...better than expected," he stated, placing his chin in his hands and resting his elbows on his crossed knees.

"Yeah, it did," I agreed, unable to wipe the lovesick grin from my face.

"Love youuuu," Dan sang, smiling softly.

"Love you tooooo," I sang back, laughing and cringing at the cliche moment.

Cliche can be cute, though.


Hey hello yes hi hey

From now on I'll be updating once a day, just thought I'd let you know :3
I'm in a really good mood hi

Songs I listened to:

Need You Right Now by Bethany Mota
Muscle Museum by Muse
I'm A Mess by Ed Sheeran
Vegas Lights by P!ATD (which won't leave my head gAjjdIjsnHhGAHHH)

~Georgina <3

Find me:

Twitter: ThisIsGeorgieXo

Tumblr: sugarcanellamas

Instagram: assemblingphilosophies

Collab acc: KnivesAndPens_xo

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