Chapter Nineteen

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I think the best friendships are those that can stand the test of time, where the friendship is based more on who you are than on what you do or what you have.

~Steve Pavlina

I spent Sunday in Cassie's bed, both of us only moving to use the toilet. She had explained to me that while I was at Dan's, she and Mum had gone shopping. When they'd returned home, they found that Dad had let himself in, and was stood in the kitchen holding the money. He didn't react to anything they said or did, then just gave me the money and left. Mum was out of her mind with anger, and Cassie was heartbroken. I did my best to comfort her.

Monday's always drag, and this Monday was no different. When school had finally finished with the sound of a bell, I found myself perfectly able to fall asleep on the spot; so I retired to the boys toilets to wash my face and hopefully wake myself up a little.

While I was standing at the sink splashing water onto my tired skin, the door swung open, and Chris stormed in, looking extremely flustered. He glanced around quickly to make sure nobody was in here, and then hurried up to me.

"Phil! There you are!"

"Erm...hello?" I was taken aback by his eagerness to talk to me, and even more so when he lunged at me and hugged me tightly.

"I missed you. They know. I don't know how. But Toby and Ben know you're gay."

My breath caught in my throat, and dread seeping into my pores. Toby Smith and Ben Gulliver were year elevens, the most feared bullies of the whole school. Chris patted my back and released me.

"They're outside the gates. You just have to run."

Chris squeezed my shoulder and then left the boy's toilets as quickly as he had entered.

Reluctantly, I left the building, and braced myself to run. I knew it would make no difference; I was at completely the wrong end of the athletic scale to outrun Toby Smith and Ben Gulliver, both of which represented the football and track team for our school.

I could see them, hanging around and kicking their bags. They could already see me: there was no point in running.

I walked straight past them, looking directly ahead. I heard them start to follow me.

"Hey, fag, where you going?"

"Off to a gay bar?"

I balled my fists around my bag strap and gritted my teeth, walking faster.

Bad move.

Something hit me full force in the back, knocking me to the floor.

With a gasp, I realised it was Toby, and felt pain erupt through my torso as several kicks were delivered to my side. I curled up, clutching my aching hip and stomach, only to be met by two sets of strong fists connecting harshly with my face and chest.

I felt the bruises developing on my skin, and struggled to breathe against the fists knocking the air from my body.

When they were satisfied with their work, Ben and Toby stood and brushed themselves off, gracing me with a few final kicks before running away, laughing and shoving each other.

Trembling and sobbing, I dragged myself to my feet and set off shakily to Dan's house.


Don't hate me! It's important to the storyline.
I'm triple updating (I've never done this before omg) so that's it for this a/n and chapter Twenty will be at a wattpad near you in about ten minutes

~Georgina <3

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Instagram: assemblingphilosophies

Collab acc: KnivesAndPens_xo

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