Chapter Twenty-Three

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Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open.

~John Barrymore

"Phil, wake up!"

A soft bundle of cloth landed on the back of my neck, and I snuggled into the pillow and groaned.

Next thing I knew, I felt a warm, heavy thing lower onto my back gently. With a squeak, I rolled over, falling out of the camp bed completely. When I opened my eyes, I turned out to be face to face with a giggling Dan, his body shaking beneath me.

His face was just inches from mine, his warm breath hitting my cheek. His heart beat stuttered against mine, and with just a pout...

I leaped up hastily, brushing myself off and sitting back on the edge of the camp bed.

"Awh, didn't you want to snuggle, Philly-woo?" Dan cooed, standing up at himself and retrieving the bundle of clothes I had brushed off earlier. He chucked them at me.

"Get dressed, loser, we're going out."

I noticed that Dan was wearing a dark blue jumper and black skinny jeans, his hair straightened and on point.

I didn't question him, even though I was confused. I just took the clothes and retreated to the bathroom to shower.

The warm water pattered against my still sore skin, soaking my hair in its travels. I felt weird with no clothes on and the possibility that Dan could walk in at any second - there was no lock on his bathroom door.

I used Dan's shampoo, and body wash. I smelt so much like Dan; it was wonderful.

I showered for maybe fifteen minutes before switching the water off and drying myself off with a towel before unfolding the outfit Dan had given me.

It was a pale blue Christmas jumper covered in snowflakes and a pair of black skinny jeans. Dan loved his black skinny jeans.

I pulled them on and revelled in extra Dan scent, wanting as much of it as I could.

When j left the bathroom, Dan was standing by the door with his coat and back pack on. He looked undeniably adorable, like a little boy waiting for his daddy to take him to the park.

He held out my trainers, coat, and unpacked bag with a grin highlighting his face, and I took them shyly, pulling them on before following Dan into the cold Wednesday air.

We walked side by side for a few minutes, shivering and watching our shallow breath escape into the frosty air.

"Where are we going?" I asked finally, my curiosity piqued far too much for me to ignore.

"I don't know." Dan admitted, shoving his hands into his pockets. I smiled fondly and suddenly surged ahead, intent on leading the way to a place I had wanted to show him ever since I found it.

He jogged a little to catch up on me and walked with his eyes set on the ground, clearly content with letting me decide. I risked a glance in his direction, and couldn't stop the stupid smile creeping up my cheeks as I took in the soft fringe hanging in his face and the way his plump lips were puckered up in a pout as a silent complaint about the cold.

Dan looked up when the trees began appearing around us, a smirk finding his lips when he realised we were in the forest.

"Oh, Phil, at least take me on a date before you have your wicked way with me in a deserted forest!" He mocked, holding a hand to his face in fake terror.

"Shut up," I chuckled in minor despair at his teasing. He never failed to find a way to humiliate me - and I loved it.

Our fast footsteps crunched in the leaves and sticks, the winter sun doing nothing to warm us through the bare branches of overlooking trees.

Eventually, the trees began to thin out and a smile found my face as I realised we were near.

With the last of the trees, we found it: Still with the same logs and surrounding circle of forest.

Hazy rays of weak, icy sunlight flickered gently on the ground, and all was silent but for the quiet rustling of the wildlife.

I glanced over at Dan, happy to see the silent look of wonder on his face as he took in his beautiful surroundings. I led him over to the nearest log and we sat, side by side.

After a few minutes of complete silence, I felt a fingertip brush against my palm. I glanced down, eyes widening when I spotted Dan's outstretched hand, reaching for mine. Hesitantly, I linked my fingers with his, intertwining and fitting perfectly together. His palm was dry and cold against mine, and I felt his little butterfly wing pulse fluttering against my wrist.

We sat in utter serenity, for maybe seconds or maybe hours. The only time Dan really moved was to take out his phone and text his mum, but he kept my hand in his.

The sun disappeared and the stars flickered into view, shining softly down on us and our locked palms, the small clouds of our breath disappearing into the peaceful darkness. I let my eyes flutter closed and revelled in the feeling of his skin against mine and the starlight beating down onto my face.

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