Chapter 26: A Second Doctor's Opinion

Start from the beginning

Suddenly when all seemed lost a Tardis started to appear close to their car. It was almost a miracle! The Doctor had arrived to save them somehow. Once the Tardis fully appeared the door flung open to reveal a man in a brown suit. "You'll have to make a run for it! Hurray inside! We will protect you!" Another man in a blue long coat ran over to the entrance with a crazy looking gun and began shooting, giving them cover fire.

Despite this not being the Doctor they knew, they decided to go for it, seeing no other way out of this horrible situation "How did that just appear?! We can't all possible fit inside of there! What's the point of even going there?" Greg asked Mycroft confused as all hell. "I'll explain later! Just shut up and get ready to run." Mycroft yelled back.

Greg held onto Sherlock tightly with one arm and grabbed his gun with the other while Mycroft reloaded his gun. The two then made a run for it. Greg made it into the Tardis safely with no injuries on Sherlock or himself. Mycroft made it into the Tardis with only minor injuries.

The man in the brown suit ran past them over to the central console and began pressing buttons and pulling nobs getting them out of that horrible place. Once they were out of that situation he turned to talk their new guests and was instead greeted by Mycroft's gun. "Who the hell are you and what have you done with the real Doctor and the Ponds?" He asked holding his gun straight at him. This was not The Doctor Mycroft knew, plus the Tardis was different.

Once safe Sherlock started to calm down, he did this by examining his new surroundings. Inside the Tardis besides the man in the brown suit was the another man with the long blue jacket and a woman in a red leather jacket. Both were of course friends with the brown suit man. The whole place was different, instead of the gold and blue Tardis interior they had known this place was more brown and rust colored. Plus the other Tardis was a lot bigger on the inside than this one.

Immediately after Mycroft pulled a gun on the brown suit man the other man pulled his gun on him, then causing Greg to pull his gun on him. Now they were all in a stand off with eachother. "Wow wow wow stop! We can all relax! You're safe!" The woman tried to explain. "After the night we've had, we're not too sure." Greg answered looking as determined as Mycroft.

"I'm The Doctor. I just saved your butts! You're welcome!" The 10th Doctor answered sounding a bit frustrated by the fact that he had a gun on him. "You're not The Doctor, I've met The Doctor and you're not him." Mycroft answered. "Oh believe me, you may beg to differ." The 10th Doctor joked. "Why don't we all put our guns down and talk this over like real people. You want honestly I'll give it to you. My name is Martha Jones, I'm a human and I live in England just like you." Martha said trying to relax everyone.

The man in the long blue coat soon followed lowering his gun. "Okay I'll bite! I'm Captain Jack Harkness." Jack said rolling his eyes. He did love a good conflict. "Who might you handsome gentlemen be?" Jack continued with a wink. "Oh stop it!" The Doctor said sighing. "What? I'm just saying hello." Jack said confused. Greg lowered his gun but refused to talk. "I'm sorry but until I figure out what the hell is going on I'm not sharing."

Truth be told the whole fact this place was bigger on the inside was tripping Greg out! How was it even possible?! How did they fit in that tiny phone box?! How did the box appear out of no where?! What was going on?!

"I'm The Doctor, maybe not the one you're used to but I am in fact him. What did your Doctor look like?" The Doctor asked pushing Mycroft'a gun down. "He was tall, younger than you and a bit odd. He wore a brown jacket with a red bow tie." Mycroft went on explaining. "Well that doesn't sound like anyone I've previously been so you must've met a future version of myself." Mycroft looked extremely confused "Future version of yourself? What are talking about?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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