Chapter 4: The War Begins

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Sherlock looked at John with this adorably cute shocked face at what he had in his hand. At that moment it's almost as if the world paused for little Sherlock to think.

He stared at John thinking of what his next move was. A diaper?! Why on earth, how on earth would he?!?

Never mind what's the next plan? He went straight to his mindpalace to think.

Here the plan of attack:
1. take pillow that's covering and throw it at John's face disorienting him
2. Jump off chair and run for the kitchen.
3. Once in kitchen run under table. It's hard for adult to bend down and grab something under there.
4. Once he bends down to get me run to my bed room and attempt to reach the door and lock it from John
5. If step 4 fails then hide somewhere from John that he would think to find me

Sherlock went out of his mind place and commenced the plan.

John looked at Sherlock and sighed. "Listen Sherlock let's not make this more difficult than-."

And just before he finished Sherlock threw the pillow at his face causing John to fall back a bit. Sherlock then raced to the kitchen with little but in the air and hid under the table.

"There is no way you are putting that thing on me John!" He yelled still hiding under there.

John stood up and started to walk over to the kitchen. "Sherlock do you even get the situation you are in? You're a bloody two year old!" He said slightly angry to have to deal with this.

He saw Sherlock's little foot under the table realizing he was under there. He walked over and bent down to get him when Sherlock took off again heading into the bedroom.

Sherlock ran over to the door and realized the handles were too high to reach. With the pressure of John getting up to get him he quickly ran into the room and closed the door. He looked around and decided to hide under his bed. A typical spot to hide but job was getting too close for him to hide anywhere else.

John opened the door to find a empty room with no Sherlock. He looked up to see the window closed so he knew he was in the room with him. He closed the door behind him and locked it knowing that he couldn't hide in there forever. Mad and worried he looked around the room still holding the diaper.

"Sherlock come out you know you can't hide in here forever. It would be a lot simpler if you just let me do this without a fight."

Sherlock laid quite under the bed watching John's feet walk around the room.

John walked over to the bed of course. He moved the pillows and sheets a bit seeing if he was under them. Then he moved to the closet pushing his clothes around to see if he was there but to no avail. John looked at the room plainly mad about this whole situation and how stubborn Sherlock was. When an idea came into his head.

John was dealing with a two year old Sherlock. It was Sherlock but there was now a side to him that wasn't there before. Sherlock was always plain and to the point not joking around that much or laughing but now as a kid he could use this to his advantage.

John walked around the room once more innocently and started to make jokes he knew little Sherlock wouldn't resist.

"I forgot to tell you Anderson asked me about the McCoy case and said that he thought it was a suicide not a murder."

Sherlock listened and started to smile. Of course to the normal person listening you would say that's not funny at all. But to Sherlock it was because to him Anderson was the biggest idiot there was. That case was an obvious murder for anyone to see.

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