Chapter 9: The Day That Couldn't Get Any Worse

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Once the elevator doors opened John rushed out. He walked past the front desk and through the revolving doors. With his heart and mind racing he somehow managed to grab a taxi in rush hour traffic.

He sat down in the back, putting little Sherlock on his lap. "221 Baker Street. Hurry please!" He manage to say in the daze he was in. All his mind was thinking about was Ms. Hudson. He mind wondered thinking of what he might come home to see. The horrible thoughts of what Moriarty could've done to her.

He settled on his mind that when he searched the house for Ms. Hudson he would leave Sherlock on the bottom step of the stairs. The last thing he wanted was him to get harm or even worse see Ms. Hudson hurt. Sherlock Little or not always cared about Ms. Hudson, he always felt that he was to look after her. The last thing he would want him to see is Ms. Hudson laying on the floor dead.

He kept thinking on the what he might come home to see when he was taking out of his thought to the sound of Sherlock crying. Like John, little Sherlock kept worrying about Ms. Hudson. John started to bounce him a little. "Awww Sherlock it's okay, I'm sure Ms. Hudson is okay." He picked him up hugging him in his arms.

Sherlock dug his face into John's shoulder as tears fell from his eyes. John rubbed his back the whole ride trying to calm him down. "Ms. Hudson is okay, we are just checking up on here Sherlock. She will be okay." John looked up to see the taxi driver in the opposite direction from where they needed to be heading.

He knocked on the glass with Sherlock still in his arms. "Umm excuse me, you're going the wrong way. We need to go to Baker Street urgently!" He said frantically to the driver. That's when everything hit him. He paused in shock seeing the person behind the wheel of the taxi. Instantly he grabbed the door handle pulling on it frantically.

"Oh don't worry John it's not you I really want! What would be the fun in that?!" The driver said sliding the little window up and pressing a switch. Instantly gas starts pouring into the back of the cab. Sherlock froze, he knew that voice from anywhere. He grabbed onto John tightly frozen in fear. He turned around seeing the smoke start to pour in. John quickly grabbed cloth from his medical bag and covered Sherlock's face from the gas.

Sherlock looked into John eyes. The gas started to full the backseat quickly and started to mess with John badly. John's eyes started to drop as he fought and fought to fight it. He looked back down at Sherlock to see that the cloth was too thin. Sherlock was asleep instantly. He held onto Sherlock tightly looking back at the cab driver. "You'll.......never......hurt.....him......he's......mine......Moriarty..........." John soon lost the battle and his eye lids dropped. His body leaned back against the seat with his arms tightly around Sherlock.

Jim smiled looking into the back seat. "Oh I assure you John. This is just the beginning of what I have in store for you and little baby Sherlock. The fun is just beginning."


The sound of people talking loudly and phone ringing sporadically echoed in the background. John opened his eyes to see a very bright light above him. He quickly closed his eyes bring his down. He rubbed his eyes then opened them again. He started to feel an enormous head ach as he lifted his head and looked around. He was sitting in the police department in one of the chairs in an office.

He looked around some more confused. "Well look who's up!" Greg entered his office with two coffee cup handing one to John. John put the cup down quickly and looked around his office like crazy. "John relax what's going on?" Greg asked sitting in his chair putting his feet up on his desk.

"Sherlock where is Sherlock?!?!" He said worriedly and frantic. "John sit down and relax!" Greg said sternly "Listen I need you to help me out. What were you doing passed out on 45th and 2nd street? Did you and Sherlock go out to drink again?"

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