Chapter 23: Roadtrip

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John stared at Mycroft shocked to what he had just said. Moriarty? Back again? Just as things were starting to calm down in Sherlock and John's life. Now that Moriarty's stupid head turned up things would have to be different again. And that's not what John wanted.

Mycroft spoke up breaking John's thoughts. "Unlike the last time we are going to take greater precaution in protecting you and Sherlock. I have arranged for the two of you to stay in a country house in northern England. You'll have to go out and buy food and supplies but I think it's safer there than it is here in Baker Street." Mycroft explained

John sighed thinking the whole thing over. Sure, Mycroft was right, Moriarty's first reaction would be to come guns blasting into the flat to get Sherlock again. But at the same time Baker Street was their home. He wasn't sure how Sherlock would like the change of scenery.

"Alright. I think you're right, it would be the best idea to go somewhere he wouldn't find us. But what about Ms. Hudson? Would she come too?" John asked crossing his arms. He didn't want her to be in harms way again.

"No, Ms Hudson would staying in the country too but at a different location. We don't want the two of you mixed up." Mycroft explained. He looked over watching Sherlock on the chair. "I'll be back tomorrow morning to pick the two of you up. After you settle into the house you can go out and shop for whatever you need." Mycroft said to John.

"Well it's getting late I better be off." Mycroft walked over to Sherlock still glued to the tv. "I'll see you soon Harry Potter." He joked messing his hair alittle. Sherlock rolled his eyes blushing slightly. Mycroft said his goodbyes to John before leaving.

John closes the door and stood there still a bit shocked to everything Mycroft told him. Was this really the best choice? He wouldn't know the answer, but at least it seemed like the best thing to do. He walked over to Sherlock and kissed his head. He paused the movie and kneeled down infront of him at eye level to talk.

"Sherlock, Tomorrow we are going to take a little vacation to the country side with Mycroft." John explained. Sherlock started to look at John worried. Why the sudden vacation? What was going on that he wasn't telling him?

John quickly had to think of something to make it right. Sherlock was in his little head space so John got creative with it. "I've received a letter from Professor Dumbledore. He said that we are needed in the country to explore magical creatures and to be on the look out for You Know Who." John said with a wink at the end.

Sherlock eyes lit up hearing this. Dumbledore trusted him?! If he did this maybe he would want him to go to Hogwarts! Sherlock nodded. "Lets go lets go!" He yelled standing up on the chair.

John smiled picking the little boy up. "Not right now. Now we need to get you to bed! It's so late! But tomorrow morning we will head out to our little vacation cottage. It will be a new adventure!" John said happily trying to hide the real reason for them having to move.

After a quick change for Sherlock he was placed in his crib. After a couple of minutes he was out like a light. John took the time while he was asleep to start packing for their trip.

First he packet for himself which didn't take him that long at all. Jut a simple suit case with his clothes and other necessities. Then he went on to packing for Sherlock. He grabbed a backpack from his closet and started to pack tiny outfits for whatever type of weather they might have.

After that he grabbed another bag for Sherlock necessaries: diapers, pacifiers, and other little things that little Sherlock loved. He even packed his chop stick wand, making a mental note to buy him a toy one if he got the chance. He walked into the living room and grabbed the Harry Potter DVDs as well just incase Sherlock needed a quick distraction. As for the crib, high chair and other things too big to bring he would have to go out and buy them himself or send Mycroft to.

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