Chapter 8: Paging Dr.Watson

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The doctor's office was huge! It was in this big building with multiple different floors. Sherlock held onto john tightly, he didn't like to be seen in public especially since he was so tiny and helpless.

John walked towards the front of the building and into the revolving doors. Sherlock looked up as they entered and started to spin. He started to giggle and smile, putting his hand in the air. They exited and started walking to the desk. John smiled looking at Sherlock "I can see you loved the revolving doors." He laughed

Sherlock nodded "Again!" He said excitedly. John laughed "No Sherlock we are already late as it is we will do it when we leave. I promise." He said as they reached the front desk. John put Sherlock down as he started to sign in, holding Sherlock's little hand in his. Sherlock held onto john's hand and his stuffie in the other while he looked around this place. It was huge to him! The ceiling looked over 100 feet high!

John checked in with the lady, signing in. She smiled looking down at Little Sherlock. "Aw! John you didn't tell me you had a son." She said smiling at him. John looked up at her confused for a second then realized "Oh he's my....nephew! Yeah I'm watching him for my sister....who's in town." He said fast thinking of an excuse.

She smiled "Oh well I hope he has fun today visiting his uncle's work! You'll have to sign him into the daycare here before you go." John nodded and took the paper. He really didn't want to leave Sherlock alone after everything that has been happening but he had no choice.

Since Sherlock was little they would have no income due to him not being able to work so John would have to take care of it till he was back to normal. He finished the forms and handed them back to the woman. She smiled taking them "Alright you are all set." John smirked and picked up Sherlock who was still amazed by this building. "Have fun today!" The woman said before Sherlock and John left.

John walked to the elevators pressing the button to go up. A couple of people were also waiting for the elevator which started to make Sherlock a bit self conscious. The elevator finally arrive and almost everyone got in. John pressed the button for the 4th floor and the elevator soon started to go up.

A woman in the elevator looked at Sherlock and waved smiling. Sherlock buried his head in neck. Picking his head up occasionally to see if she was still looking at her. "Aww someone very shy aren't they?" The woman said smiling at how cute Sherlock was. John turned around "Yeah he's very shy with strangers." He said with a smile.

Soon the elevator to their floor. "It was nice to meet you." John said to the woman before stepping out. The woman waved to Sherlock as the elevator doors closed. Sherlock looked around at this floor with was more of a hospital floor than a doctor's office. John saw his confusion "I got transferred to a hospital branch that needed more people to help out. They brought nurses and doctor all over for this new expansion."

John continued down the hall, hearing all woman nurses in awe of Sherlock. "Guess your a big hit today." He joked making Sherlock blush. They finally made it to where they were walking to, the daycare. Sherlock eyes widen as he started to escape john's arms as he walked in.

John had to fight to keep Sherlock in his arms when he gave up. He put his bag on a chair next to them and placed Sherlock on the ground. Once on the ground Sherlock made a run for it to get out of there when John grabbed his arm. "Sherlock listen to me, I know your beyond embarrassed but I can't have you running around a hospital by yourself. You could get hurt or see something disgusting. Plus I don't want you to get sick so this is the best place for you."

That was it, Sherlock's little mind really kicked in and the thought of john leaving him broke his little heart. He started to cry his little heart out which broke John's heart. He picked up Sherlock and held him close rubbing his back in a calm way.

The Baker Street Babyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें