Chapter 11: The Day Has Finally Come

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John had barley slept. He kept thinking of every possible outcome that could happen and he kept checking on Sherlock.

Sherlock slept soundly through the night. Mostly because he didn't know of the terror that could happen this very day. He was curled up in a little ball all wrapped around in his blanket and his little red dog stuffie. His black hair all messy from tossing and turning all night.

John on the other hand was in bed sitting up asleep. His head rested on his shoulder with a blanket resting on his legs and a pillow behind his back. John's head soon become too heavy for his shoulder falling forward waking him up.

John looked around quickly thinking someone was in the room then relaxed seeing no one. He stretched a little before getting out of bed and checking on Sherlock.

Seeing him resting calmly he kissed him on the head and left the bedroom heading into the kitchen. Right away, John was exhausted. The night before was a terror but he had to be alert today. He made himself a cup of coffee hoping it would keep him awake for the day.

With his cup in hand he walked into the living room and went right to his desk. He placed his cup down and before he sitting down he looked out the window to see three police cars parked on Bakerstreet.

A couple of days before John informed Lestrade of the threat of Moriarty taking Sherlock. He didn't believe him as much as John would have wanted but agreed and gave him police protection just in case. Even though to John it wasn't enough, it was something. Anything to protect Sherlock.

John sat down in relief, pulling up the screen of his computer and turning it on. Soon Ms. Hudson woke up she quickly got ready before heading up the stairs to Sherlock and John's flat. John having heard the unknown foot steps grabbed his gun and pointed it at the door.

Ms. Hudson walked in and jumped seeing John holding a gun at her. John quickly put the gun down. "I'm so sorry Ms. Hudson!" He said standing up and walking over to her. "I didn't get much sleep and I'm worried that you were-." She stopped him "No need to be sorry dear! I should have called. I know you must be extremely stressed out today!"

John nodded walking back to his desk seeing the computer turn on. Ms. Hudson walked into the kitchen and put the kettle on for herself. John checked the messages on his website to see if Moriarty wrote anything, which thankfully for John's nerves sake there was no new messages. He closed his computer, getting up and walking into the kitchen.

"The police are outside like Greg promised." He said before taking another sip of his coffee. "That's great dear, we could use all of the protection we can get. What about that snake of a brother he has?" She said sitting down at the table with John. "Mycroft said and I quote 'we will have an eye on BakerStreet digitally' now how ridiculous does that sound it's his own brother for God sakes!" John said sounding very very pissed off.

Ms. Hudson shook her head "Well you know what? We are better off without him anyway. We have Scotland Yard right outside our door." She said before the kettle started to whistle. She got up and made her self a cup of tea before sitting down again. John looked up at her worried "I don't think they will be enough, that's why I have this." He places his hand gun on the table.

"I don't usually like the use of gun in this apartment mostly because I usually would find Sherlock shooting a wall. But in this case I'm happy you have it on you dear." She smiled.

Soon both of their head turned to the sound of a little Sherlock shouting "John!" John jumped up, grabbing the gun off the table and running into the bedroom. Thankfully no one was inside except for a little scared Sherlock. John put his gun away as he went over to the crib picking him up.

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