Indonesia pt. 1

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(1): First Meet
Also Philip is a boy here OwO

You were with Philip and Malaysia.. They said that You have to meet their other friend who had a name 'Indonesia' in short Indo... "So what does he looks like?" You asked smiling "well, he kinda looks like Poland and almost Monaco, the differnce about Poland and Indo is that... They are in a the opposite position (I'm bad at almost identical flags TwT. Is it right? Dunno -,-) "so how about Monaco?" You asked "oh it's their color.. Indonesia had light red while Monaco.. Had Darker red than Indo..? Yeah, Darker" "oh I'm so excited to meet Indonesia, what does he do?" You asked "Well probably doing lazy ass things" Malay said smirking.. Philip smack his shoulder then glared at him "Malay no, Indo was just busy leading his country" Philip said with a pout "whatev Phil, just to let you know.. I still hate that guy but still love that guy" Malay said with a furious eyes "Malay, tell me the truth, Love or Hate?"you asked jokingly "The combination of Love and Hate is Have (hey-v) so Have" Malay said "Bob*" (idiot)bulong ni Philip.. You giggled since you know what does that means "Hey what's bob*?" Malay asked "Yea what is it?" Another voice asked.. The two country (malay and philip) stopped and so do you.. You slowly turned and saw someone that looks almost like Polad and mostly.. Monaco.. Wait is he Monaco? "Monaco? is that you?!! The hell are you doing here in Indo's place? I mean, why are you here? I thought you'll be very busy With the other Countries?" You asked.. You heard a giggle from your back but you just ignored it "Tell me little human, do I fcking look like Monaco?" 'MONACO' asked with a dark aura "Monaco, just answer my question, I know you look like poland but believe me, I know Poland's flag too... Or... You are poland??? How come that your red color comes above the white? Is that magic you were talking about?" You asked touching his face.. You saw a tint of pink bot of his cheek but you just thought that it was just nothing so you ignored it "the hell, I'm the one and only Indonesia!!!!!" He said "oh really? That's why you are wearing a weird hat" you asked pointing to his black hat "weird ha--- it's peci!" He said getting pissed "p=nis?" Indo blushed and shouted "Pe-Ci! Ughh just call it Songkok!" He said getting frustrated then walk out


The first meet with Indo was like the worst, you just call his precious hat a pe-is (you get it right? -w-) "Phil, I feel bad for Indo... I nust call his hat a pen---" before you could finish your words Philip covered your mouth "Not here Y/N, what if some stranger hears it.. That would be so embarrassing" Phil said blushing "pffe-- I don't have shame to these strangers!"you said "Sunshine!!" Someone shouted with a familiar voice.. You gulp then slowly turned.. It's the Indonesia "oh, you brought this girl? Bish" Indo glared at you as you just look down "Indo, she didn't mean to call your hat... That word... Also she's very nice.. But a little, psycho so be careful" Phil said whispering but still you can hear him "Psycho huh?" You said then kick his foot making him yelp "Y/N I'm sorry!!!!" He said with a puppy eyes.. You rolled your eyes then laughed "Hey Psycho bish" Indo called.. You turned around the looked at him with a one eyebrow raised.. "What did you just call me?" You asked "oh now you're a Psycho Deaf Bish" he said smirking.. You felt so hot around you like a volcano was about to explode! You were about to attack him when phil stopped you "My ghaaad!!!! Indo! Why did you call her that???" "What? Is it bad?" He asked "of course you...l yoouuuu.. Yoooooouuuuuuuu Idiot" "oh I didn't mean to" "huh! He's just a insensitive Ego with Weird Hat!" You said rolling your eyes "Really?!! You are just jealous that you don't have a hat like this!" He said "are you not thinking? Like I said WEIRD HAT. I hate weirds!" You said "So you hate yourself? Because you are more weirder than my hat!" "So you just admitted that your hat is weird" you said smirking "why you---" Indo was cut off when Philip shouted something makes you both blush "If you both because a couple I swear!!! Just be friends! Then be couples then get married and gemme some godchildren!!" Philip said "P-Phil!!!!!" "Sunshine what the?!!" "Opsy, 'Nadulas'" Phil saod then started running away.. You just tsk then Indo, secretly looked at you then blushed even more.. 'The Filipino, if he just accidentally tell her.. I swear'

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