(20): When he regrets cheating on you ;-;

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I update today becaus I have nothing to do ;-;, like really it was monday here *_*

America :

He looked at the car key that you dropped... And also the heart... That shattered on the floor... "Y/N...." He soon searched for you.. Then He finds you... Walking down the street... With your eyes looks like it's gonna fall any moment.. You walked inside to the café as he follows you secretly.. You seated at the next of the window and he seat behind... You pulled your phone as you started sobbing silently but still he can hear you "M-Mom... Me and America...." 'What is it darling? By the way, how is he doing' "We broke up" you said.. Covering your mouth 'W-What?!! How?' Your dad asked on the other line "He cheated on me" 'That's it... I'm gonna kill him! He said to me that he wont break your heart!' "D-Dad.... It's okey... I'm fine..." You said trying to cool your Father who was very angry to America right now, soon America.. Planned... How to get you back to his life... To make his 'His' again.. "I swear Y/N... I'll be your husband.. And I promised.. I will never do the same mistake ever again"

Russia :

Russia ruthlessly throws the wodden chair to the walls inside the Apartment... He then kneel down grabbed his vodka and drink it with one draft... He then dropped the bottle... While the glass splattered the ground as it fell to the ground.. Then he started to sob "Y-Y/N..." He then stood up, walks into the table where the frame of the two of you stood there silently... He held the frame.. While his teary eyes stares at your smiling form in the photo...

Germany :

Germany stared at the papers you torned by your heels.. It was an agreement between the two company of your mother's and his.. To become partners... And your Company will invest to his for 500K USD... And all it need is for him to sign.. He didn't care about the money and about the company.. He was worried about Y/N's mother's trust... As far as he remember, he's going to die... He just shook his head then his eyes become serious... "I couldn't care about what her mother's thoughs... I care about Y/N!" He sooner started to tear up... Thinking how his mistakes did...

South Korea :

South looked at his Phone... Looking at your Profile... He then rest his head to the headboard... He was sitting on the bed... Missing the scent of yours... "Ughhhhh.. What have I done!" He realize how important you are to his life... Come to think of it... He cheated you to some random female that you talked to a website called omegle... Then the worst of all, he realize that how he treated you during the 5 months. He then grabbed his pillow then throw it to the wall infornt of him...

North Korea :

North looked at the ring... "Promise...", he then punched the wall.. Making it cracked a little... Even though his fist hurts, he didn't care... All he cares about is about how he can find you after you sudden disappeared... He then grabbed the gun you held to the last time he saw you.. He bought it.. I don't know how he bought it but he bought it...

Canada :

Canada... Stared at the ceiling... While he was just lying on the bed... Thinking why he would cheat at you? I mean, you are so DAMNNNN perfect for him! Then he was just... Cheat? Nu-uh... He then stood up and tried his best to keep himself together... Knowing that Canada might destroys the place... He then started to do things.. Things that might help him to find you...

Japan :

Who would cheat to a Perfect young Lady? A sunshine of his life, a happiness that gives him so much... Well, that's Japan.. He messed everything up.. You guys supposed to record... But you guys are in the bad term.. And you and Japan know why.... A lots of twitters messages you guys that why you guys haven't go live stream... A lots on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Discord... You didn't want to expose Japan.. Knowing it was really hard... To explain,..

Martial Law :

Martial Teared up.. On the living room with his dying flowers and some melted chocolates... Martial looked at his phone... He then messages you a tons... Saying Come Back Home, I miss you, I'm sorry etc. but you didn't bother to text him back.. You are still not recovered... After you found out that he was just using you for money... Martial throws his phone.. And it landed on the ground with a comfy carpet.. And barely survived since it has a Carpet laying on it... He soon realize how much he loves you like you love him... And how important you are to him--- not because of money.. Because of how you can show some affections for him

Spain :

After you said those 2 words... You ran... Leaving Spain... Staring to the unknown.. Tears flow down to his cheek... And the two words just keep repeating to his head... He can not believe of what he just heard from you... Who would not? After you witness him, cheating at you... He can not believe that you actually leaving him... He then, sat to the couch then statting to think what he destroyed...

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