(21): When he got drunk

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This chapter is gonna be long so yea owo

Short note : in this chapter, you are not easy-to-get... You are not easy to bring back so in this chapter.. You were just forced to it. (Read so you may understand)

America :

Ame started to go some Night Club to get wasted... He doesn't do anything but get drunk... Even though some hot chick tried to get his attention, but still.. Ame never gave them... You had to go work double time... Since you need money to get a new Apartment for youself... You were on the same club... You were asign as a bartender since the bartender went on a day off because his wife got sick. Ame went inside the Club and a lot of girls looked at him then started to smirk... Ame was always there and the girls always bother him.. Ame sat to the counter.. Then called the bartender.. You walked closer to a guy who wears black shirt with a Nato and a white leggings... You didn't see his face since you were busy looking at his clothes which he reminds you of someone.. As soon as you walked closer "how can I get for you sir?" You asked and slowly looked at his face... You were shocked... It was America... America looked at you then he was shocked.. He stood then he embraced you... And A lot of girls glared at you... "Y-Y/N... Please.... Go home" your heart ache, knowing you can't... "I'm sorry Ame... I.. Can't" "Why?" He asked "I-I don't want to get hurt anymore" you said... Looking at his face... "P-Please.." "Ame... Give me your order..." You said... He then sighed and asked you some drinks... After a 9 bottles, Ame was so wasted... He was drinking another bottle for the 10th time and you tried to stop him "Ame... S-Stop drinking" you said.. It was almost closing time and the people here is getting lesser and lesser.. Most of the people inside are girls... Which glaring at you... "N-No... I... Love you... Y-Y/N... Come back home..... I-hic I didn't mean to...hic Cheat at you" he said.. He then kissed you.. But you parted from the kiss "America! You are drunk! Go home!" You said "y/n... Come home with me" "I-I can't Ame... I can't go back" you said.. "P-Please.... I want ou hic, and only you" "Ame... You're drunk..." He then kissed you but you parted "let's just stay out of PDA..." "Y/N.... I won't go home without you, nor stop drinking" he started to drink again "F-Fine! Let's take you home..." Knowing you can't stay.. As soon as you took him home... You left...

Russia :

Russia was damn drunk.. But he still keep drinking vodka.. You walked and sat to the counter.. Which you had a guy next to you... The guy looked at you then he smirked... He sat closer to you.. Which you didn't mind because you were busy thinking.. Why would Russia cheats at you? But your thinking interrupted by the guy holding your thights.. You looked at him then you stood... Then kick his junior making him to fall.. Everyone thinks that he was wasted and passed out because of he drank.. But not knowing that He was kicked by a female... You then moved to another seat... You looked at your surroundings.. And you saw Russia looking at you... "Yoooooooooo.... Beautiful" you snickered... Knowing that's how he greeted you when you first meet him... "Come here..." He said.. You then looked around which he was pointing at you... You then started to walk closer to him then sat next to him "what's yuuuur name?" He asked "y/n..." You snickered... "That name.... I love her...." "So what happened?" You asked.. Knowing he didn't recognize you since he was drunk "I hic was too dump to cheat on her" you then though a great plan "how about... I would give you a great time since that girl name y/n wasn't here eh?"you asked... "N-No... My being including my heart and my junior belongs to her" you then blushed 'did he just said junior?' "Junior?" You asked.. "Yes this" he then pointed to his lower part as you looked up to the ceiling... "So why did you cheat at her?" You asked "I don't really know hic, I... Love her and her only..." "Really?" You asked "yes, one day She'll be carrying my child" you then blushed even harder... He was pretty clueless that the y/n he was talking about was the person he was talking with... "H-How many?" "I wanted to hic have a children like hic my Parents... 15" you then blushed more harder... '15?!!!!!'

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