Martial Law

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He he he, I just wanted to make a scenario about this war guy... Well because I'm from the Philippines, I would really been enjoying writing this. Also I use Martial than Phil because I want to test my imagination if I can make this guy a good boyfriend... And if Philippines that I would make a BF scenario, it would be easy because he is very sweet and full of sunshine to his life ^_^


You were one of the best soldiers in the Military... And you always goes to the back of the Military Base... Because it was nice and relaxing there, less people.. Less noises... You were doing push ups at the Back of the Military Base when all of sudden someone faked cough.. You stood there... Once you stand up you saw the Great Martial Law.. And immediately saluted him for the sign of respect... He then give you a sign to held your hands down.. So you guys talked and you find out it was nice to talk to him


After meeting up with him, Martial were always wait you there so he can talk with.. He sometimes forgets his problem and you sometimes forgets about his position, little do you know as the days pass, Martial manage to get to know you more and out of nowhere he started to like you


Martial just asked you out and it was really shockings.. You were wearing your favorite dress and excited for the date... Your curves exposed because of the dress.. Then someone knocked on your door.. You immediately opened the door and saw Msrtial there with his tuxedo... Which you can see his muscular muscle.. You blushed because he really has a muscular body.. Martial held you and went to the beautiful sight of the Country.. (Philippines). You can see the Manila shining through the night because of the lights... When all of sudden Msrtial held your hand and asked you "Y/N, alam kong mabilis pero gusto ko lang malaman kung pwede ba kita maging Nobya?" ("y/N, I know it went too fast but I just wanted to know that if you can be my Girlfriend?")

(Don't judge my translation! I just used my brain to translate the Tagalog word to  English)


It's been weeks since you and Martial become a couple... You met Philippines personally and you and Philip become best of Friends... You were with Martial resting your head to his shoulder... Little do you Know Philip was taking Pictures of you guys silently but giggle underneath to his breath.. Martial the held your Chin which makes you look at him.. Philip was staring at you guys with a full of excitement of what will happned next and still he keeps taking pictures of you guys and all of sudden you he kissed you and Philip what surprised and decided to record you guys... And you kissed Martial back... After that Philip immediately ran towards to the Kitchen to edit the video to make it clearer so he can keep this memory forever and cherish it

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