(27): Sweet Messages

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America :

'Hey Babe'


'What if You'll never see me again?'

"Why do you ask?"

'Just answer the question babe'

"I don't care, Maybe I'll be more happier if you are"

'Awe, Mr. UN said that they found another dimension to live like us... So... This is goodbye then'

"Idiot! Why would you leave me huh?!! I thought you love me?"

'Awe.... I love you too and I'll never... Ever gonna leave you'


'I promise'

"And I hate you!"

'And I love you too'

Russia :

'Y/N... What if we had a baby?'

"Then we had one"

'What if we have 15?'


'Then what?'




'We'll have 15 chindren'

"That would never gonna happen"

'What? I said those plan to the stranger'

"And that Stranger is me"


Germany :

'So when's the Date?'

"What date?"

'Date... Uhm, something... Like'

"Hahaha, As long as I can remember... We don't have plan for today"

'Because everyday, I think is you'

"Hahahahahahaha Hakdog"

'What is Hakdog? I only know Hotdog'

"Philippines always says that whenever she/he talks to a Filipino"



South Korea :

"South, why are you always busy?"

'Because there's so many things to do'

"Like what?"

'Fan signing, Concerts, Special Guest-ing and more'

"Is that mean... You would decrease your attention to me?"


"Then what's with the busy stuffs?"

'It's for us Jagi, if I got enough money then I'll buy a house for the two of us... If I got enough money, I'll marry you'

"Tsk whatever South"

'I love you too <3'

North Korea :

"North, why are you obsessed with Nuclear Bombs?"

'Why you ask Jagi?'

"I ask first"

'Because whenever I hold and saw one... I always think that it was you... The day that I still didn't know you, I saw a nuke as my bestfriend that will never leave me alone and now I saw it as a lover--- as you... After you broke up with me... I always think that you and the nuke was one and now, you are mine again and there's no turning back or else I'll start a brand new war'

Canada :

'Honneeeeeeeeeey Buuuun!'

"Ughhhh what?"

'Let's go'


'In my room 😏😏😎'


'Watch netflix!'

"Nah, I'm fine here with my cousin.. Okieee bye"

'Okey I love you maple!'

"I hate you too"

Japan :

'Hey Y/N! Let's do work later! I have so many things to do to show to you'

'Hey Babe?'


'Y/N darling? My honey? My boo? My Love? My babe? My life? My baby? My queen? My world?'

"Ughhh sorry Japan I was just busy spying on you"

'Wait what?'

Martial Law :

"10 laps of running tomorrow afternoon... "


"U busy?"


'Did you just said Mahal?'

"No *delete the message 'mahal'*"

'Awe I love you too, even thou it wasn't what it looks like thou'

Spain :

'Mi Amor, let's teach our children some dance steps'

"We don't have a children spain"

'Awe, but they called me a Daddy and they called you Mommy'

"That doesn't mean we are their parents idiot"

'Love you'


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