King Kaius Vassilkas

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1. NEVER look the king in his eyes
2. Never speak back
3. Never speak of the kings family
4. Never enter his chambers without being invited in
5. Do not leave your room after 12am
6. Never turn your back on the king
7. Always address the king with the appropriate title
8. Never speak of the king's personal life or interests
9. Always maintain a respectful distance from the king
10. Never touch anything belonging to the king without permission

Those were the rules given to me as I entered the king's mansion.

The king's mansion was a magnificent structure, reminiscent of a fairytale castle, but with a darker, more dramatic color palette. The exterior walls were a deep, rich grey, while the roof was a dark slate that seemed to absorb the light. The windows, though numerous, were framed in dark wood and had a somber, serious look. Inside, the walls were adorned with dark wood paneling, and the furnishings were heavy, ornate, and dark in hue.

Yet, despite the dark colors, the daylight streaming through the windows illuminated the space, casting long shadows that stretched across the rooms. Golden accents gleamed subtly, adding a hint of opulence to the decor: gilded trim traced the edges of tapestries, golden filigree adorned the frames of paintings, and intricate gold inlays shone on the dark wood furniture. The darkness seemed to recede, revealing a hidden lavishness that shone like a beacon, drawing the eye to the smallest, most exquisite details.

Truly exquisite.

"Hey, I'm Jessica, and this is my best friend Ryan," said the blonde, her piercing blue eyes sparkling with warmth as she extended her hand in greeting.

I hesitated for a moment, my reluctance to form new connections plain on my face, before finally taking her hand in a brief, perfunctory shake. "Aurelia," I muttered curtly, my voice barely above a whisper, as I quickly turned away, trying to shut down the interaction before it could even begin.

Jessica's bright smile faltered for a moment, her eyes clouding with confusion and hurt, before she recovered her composure and leaned in, her voice taking on a conciliatory tone. "Hey, no worries, Aurelia, we're not here to intrude. We just wanted to say hi and get to know you a little better," she said, her words tumbling out in a friendly rush. Meanwhile, Ryan scowled, pushing her dark hair out of her face with an impatient hand, her eyes flashing with annoyance at my churlish behavior.

I felt like an asshole. "I'm sorry, that was rude, Jessica you said?".

I said, trying to make amends. "Yeah, and this is Ryan,"Jessica nodded towards the raven-haired girl, who was now only scowling slightly, her eyes almost the same shade as her hair. Ryan's features seemed similar to Jessica's, like they could be sisters but I did hear her say best friend.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you guys,"I smiled genuinely, trying to put my best foot forward. It cost nothing to be kind, after all, so why not try to make a good impression?.

As we talked, Ryan eventually warmed up to me and shared their adventures, including how they arrived in the great city of Ephesus. It was surprising to learn that our journeys had similarities, despite having different backgrounds. Ryan's parents, though separated, loved her dearly, which was a stark contrast to my own upbringing. Nevertheless, we bonded over our shared experiences and became fast friends. Jessica, too, was a kindred spirit, one of a kind truly.

After about 30 minutes Mrs.Shaw the vampire  head housekeeper/bookkeeper came to get Ryan as she was first.

Then Jess, which I've grown accustomed to calling her over the sixty minutes we've gotten to know each other.

Then finally me. Mrs. Shaw gave me a white paper filled with questions I was to answer upon entering the kings office.

We walked swiftly.

AureliaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang